Friday, May 22, 2015

Listen to your GUT

The 22nd of every month is a GREAT day - not sure why it ended up that way or even how really, other than the simple fact that I was born on this day in June. My recovery anniversary is also on the 22nd of April, my Grandmother's Birthday is on Dec 22nd and both my children were born directly after Sept 22nd. Since that's the simple facts, I'm going to blog on May 22nd, 2015 about the last week and the experiences that I've encountered. 

Last Friday I had a complete melt down, as I had to face the simple fact that another individual was choosing to leave before I was able to make a difference in their lives and it was hard to accept. For that same week I went to the government to ask for some emergency assistance and left finding out that they would be able to help me for this month and that was the end of the story. I also had the phone call confirming my suspicions with my family’s decisions in helping the children and I. Which was all a very hard thing to hear and digest, add that on top of being very tired and worn down. As well as, coming to the realization that my gut speaks to me so much that I normally try to bypass it because of my wants and in reality I have all I need. I had to let go off someone I was hoping to implement much longer then they were able to appear. Then, it occurred to me: 

Life wasn’t happening smoothly again. It seemed as though the battles were there and that, even though I was doing the footwork, things were not connecting. I took a deep breath and I asked for direction and the willingness to listen to what I needed to, in order to move forward. Then I put it to work and asked those I trusted, had the experience and also was willing to help me with unconditional love previously. I had to let go of the control and rely on the faith and know that no matter how scared I am, I will not be dropped on my head and I will make it through to the end, for I’d woken up that day. 

The next morning, I took every bit of cash I had, put what I could in the gas tank, brought with the food I was able to for the trip to the cities, to fulfill my obligations. Yet, I made appointments with those that I knew could help guide me and began the phone calls on the trip. I shared how what I felt and what I was going through, I listened and asked for suggestions. I then, noted what needed to be done next. The funniest thing occurred, while in the cities, as I had let so much go on the ride up there and the phone calls, that I was able to hear exactly what I needed while visiting and collaborating for the future, which in turn actually opened so many more doors. 

I was able to collaborate for more events, up and coming with my choreographer, with the supplement company that I’m sponsored by and also other opportunities that would never had appeared. I was even willing to drop my pride and start to step up and reach out to other networks to create a larger network for my models and talents. I never realized why I was actually being noted as Momma Lori for years, which resulted in not only to hashtag it and label myself as that as an agent, but more so for the type of agency that I’m creating, which is known as a mother agency. Get it – mother agency for MommaLori. Eerie if you ask me – HA 

Then after returning home that evening, I was actually trying to hook up with someone and it fell through and so I took a chance to speak to someone that I knew would be a great network opportunity and he accepted. Which floored me, in itself, for this man I’ve watched for almost a year and a half and there’s nothing that’s he’s done or created that has turned me off from the individual he is, nor would I ever question working with him. For his morals and values are present, as he continues to create greatness and shares it through all that he’s doing for others, that’s the exact type of people I’d like to have in my life, be it business or friendships. 

This just started the ball rolling, there were so many amazing opportunities that came about this week, such as a lease renewal, jobs for my daughter, partnering with a favorite hotel chain, a travel agent, booking a VIP event, a possible collaboration with a venue in Texas, a ghost writer for my story, a magazine article on the company, an interview on the company, a new prep trainer and so much more!!! I was able to help someone that’s going through a rough time, that I had met last year and also a few others that needed a few moments of my time. 
I’ve been on fire ever since, and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna stop now. The universe has told me it’s now time and I need to continue on and keep moving forward. No one has said that this is the end of the hardships, but yet, the beginning of the new chapter and this one will be phenomenal. 

I do fully believe that if we work hard, put our faith first and continue to do the ‘right’ things with the right direction and continue to help others, the best of the world will be given to us, for we worked hard for it. This is now my time and the beginning of everything I’ve ever worked for is beginning to appear and will not continue now for quite some time. It’s not going to be easy and there’s still issues to deal with, yet the hardships are now over. It’s the universe advising me that it’s time to finally live my life to the fullest with its help. 

I’ll never argue that Faith Without Works Is Dead, for its seen true for me. As well as, letting go and allowing our HP to work in our lives, by following their guidance and continuing on with the footwork, we will be given a full, happy and joyous life filled with nothing shy of miracles. 

Yesterday is passed 
Tomorrow is not promised 
Today is the GIFT 

#MommaLori #MakesitHappen #OnwardToEPIC #HawtiesForHire #H4H

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