Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A Romantic Thought

As I opened the door, in the sunlight, sat a vase with the most amazing, colorful and beautiful array of roses, surrounded with rays of sunlight. All the most inviting to the smile that was brought to my face as I seen them and walked over to them, to bend over and admire them as well as take a scent of the warming sight of such beauty. Standing there, wondering why you went to the effort to get them and what brought this on, completely forgetting about anything that had been on my mind that day or the days prior, than you slowly walk in behind me and grab my waist, gently.

I smell you and I close my eyes and allow you to take your hands and do what you do the best with them, as you know exactly where to touch me to make the world disappear and as you turn me around, I know that in a few minutes there will be nothing but the feeling of you and I with nothing else in this world to interrupt this moment. That feeling that when you kiss me, the world is nothing but magic and the touch of your hands on me, helps me to know that there's no way that the feelings of love don't exist so strongly and that nothing can break that barrier. Your scent, Your touch, You help me to know that no matter what happens in this world, there's always HOPE and that the fairy tales do exist.

The way that you kiss me and the way that you touch me, makes my knees so weak, yet you are already of aware of this, so you guide me, extremely gently, into the closest spot nearest us and allow me to fall gently while taking your strong arms and holding onto me letting me completely melt in them. You allow me to collapse from your touch and you only take the utmost slightest breathes to share with me that this is only the beginning of the next few hours, where you will take full advantage of my vulnerability and allow me to completely melt around you.

*** There's so  much more to this one ..... Just let your imagination flow peeps and have a GREAT NIGHT!! ***

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

If you don't believe, you should read this!!!

If you don't believe in Miracles, you are not living life correctly!!! 

Here's why I say this:

In December '15 I had NO idea how I was going to give the children a Christmas because my communication with Santa was nill and the home we were living in was only due to a wonderful man and his generosity to put up a mother and her children until she found something more suitable for her family. We were gifted by ANGELS and given a break by Santa and his elves and the children were VERY blessed this past season.

In January '15 I had the intention to get us into permanent housing, yet knew absolutely no idea how I was going to accomplish that!! I was working a job I wasn't happy at and I was not making ends meet. I decided to work harder on myself, get back into training mode and utilize what I had around me, which wasn't much. Honestly, I didn't have anymore than what I carried in my pack and my babies now. I'd pray every day, every night for God to show me the way to the answers to help me through this bump in the road... every damn day!!! All I wanted was to see what way I suppose to go so that I could make this road smoother for my children and I. I never ever meant for this to all happen to us!! I wasn't regretting what I had been through or what I had chosen to do, but I didn't know what was to come next. I decided to sign up for school and take a chance at something I'd knew I'd dislike for the time being, but yet I needed to take advantage of everything I could at this point. So, school was the next best answer. It would allow me the assistance to make things different for us and also create a venue for me to provide for my children, with help for me to finally breathe again. All the while, training for my next personal goal. I also decided to file my taxes and file bankruptcy, start completely fresh and give up all that I had built and/or tried in the past, by closing the doors on the business and all that was behind me. I had NO IDEA what was going to happen to us!! I didn't give up, I never lost faith or hope, but I did start to wonder what God had planned for us. For at this point, I'd pretty much started to hate life and didn't want to ever be there again. This is when all the angels just started to appear in my life and come from the wood work and start their amazing work in my life: February '15 is when it all began to look like the clouds had started to lift and my life took a turn I'm still trying to put together for it's still spinning. When a man walked into the store that I was working at to offer me a place to rent, due to the fact that he knew my entire story and wanted the children and I to look at the home that night. ( Who walks in to find you to rent to you when they can rent the home out within a day in your city ? ) When a friend emailed me about a job that she had for me, that she indicated would be perfect for me in the upcoming years. ( Who emails you about a job, that would fight in such a way that you'd be silly to pass it up ) When an old friend messaged me to fill my new home with furniture, because he didn't think anyone else deserved it more than I. ( Who emails you to fill your new home full of furniture when you have no funds to pay them? ) When you call the utility companies and you know that you owe them from previous homes you'd lived in and they allow you to hook up service with them the next day. When you need to find a wonderful home for your cats and you get the call, four days before your move, that they are wanted by an amazing, loving family with a yard and comforting home. When you needed to find something you'd thought you'd lost in the moves prior through the temporary homes, the exact night that you are able to hook everything up for the move in four days. When your new landlord gives you a week's break on the first months rent or even allows you to disperse your deposit over the next few months. When your life continues to be blessed in ways you've never imagined ... you need to remember that by believing and NEVER GIVING UP things do happen. You need to remember that you are WORTH IT and that by continuing to do the NEXT RIGHT THING, you are given just what you need and that there are angels out there watching over you. I'm not sure what's next in my life, I do know that I now have a two year personal physique goal, as well as a five year plan with school and the new job and I also know that I have a life long goal to give back to all that I'm able too. For making sure that to pay this all forward is the only way to live. If there's anything I can do for all those that have been helping me in this life I'm living, is to help the next person that needs help, especially when they don't know how they will make it. I've only listed small events in my life, for the larger ones are the ones that seem insignificant to the world, yet those are the ones that matter the most. For the smaller the miracle, the larger the gifts. So here's some HOPE for all of you reading this. Stop for a moment and count your blessings, because until you are with out them, you may not realize how blessed you are!!!! Yet, ALWAYS BELIEVE ... for there's hope where there's faith. "It's the first step we need to work on, the rest of the staircase is none of our business!!"