Friday, May 22, 2015

Listen to your GUT

The 22nd of every month is a GREAT day - not sure why it ended up that way or even how really, other than the simple fact that I was born on this day in June. My recovery anniversary is also on the 22nd of April, my Grandmother's Birthday is on Dec 22nd and both my children were born directly after Sept 22nd. Since that's the simple facts, I'm going to blog on May 22nd, 2015 about the last week and the experiences that I've encountered. 

Last Friday I had a complete melt down, as I had to face the simple fact that another individual was choosing to leave before I was able to make a difference in their lives and it was hard to accept. For that same week I went to the government to ask for some emergency assistance and left finding out that they would be able to help me for this month and that was the end of the story. I also had the phone call confirming my suspicions with my family’s decisions in helping the children and I. Which was all a very hard thing to hear and digest, add that on top of being very tired and worn down. As well as, coming to the realization that my gut speaks to me so much that I normally try to bypass it because of my wants and in reality I have all I need. I had to let go off someone I was hoping to implement much longer then they were able to appear. Then, it occurred to me: 

Life wasn’t happening smoothly again. It seemed as though the battles were there and that, even though I was doing the footwork, things were not connecting. I took a deep breath and I asked for direction and the willingness to listen to what I needed to, in order to move forward. Then I put it to work and asked those I trusted, had the experience and also was willing to help me with unconditional love previously. I had to let go of the control and rely on the faith and know that no matter how scared I am, I will not be dropped on my head and I will make it through to the end, for I’d woken up that day. 

The next morning, I took every bit of cash I had, put what I could in the gas tank, brought with the food I was able to for the trip to the cities, to fulfill my obligations. Yet, I made appointments with those that I knew could help guide me and began the phone calls on the trip. I shared how what I felt and what I was going through, I listened and asked for suggestions. I then, noted what needed to be done next. The funniest thing occurred, while in the cities, as I had let so much go on the ride up there and the phone calls, that I was able to hear exactly what I needed while visiting and collaborating for the future, which in turn actually opened so many more doors. 

I was able to collaborate for more events, up and coming with my choreographer, with the supplement company that I’m sponsored by and also other opportunities that would never had appeared. I was even willing to drop my pride and start to step up and reach out to other networks to create a larger network for my models and talents. I never realized why I was actually being noted as Momma Lori for years, which resulted in not only to hashtag it and label myself as that as an agent, but more so for the type of agency that I’m creating, which is known as a mother agency. Get it – mother agency for MommaLori. Eerie if you ask me – HA 

Then after returning home that evening, I was actually trying to hook up with someone and it fell through and so I took a chance to speak to someone that I knew would be a great network opportunity and he accepted. Which floored me, in itself, for this man I’ve watched for almost a year and a half and there’s nothing that’s he’s done or created that has turned me off from the individual he is, nor would I ever question working with him. For his morals and values are present, as he continues to create greatness and shares it through all that he’s doing for others, that’s the exact type of people I’d like to have in my life, be it business or friendships. 

This just started the ball rolling, there were so many amazing opportunities that came about this week, such as a lease renewal, jobs for my daughter, partnering with a favorite hotel chain, a travel agent, booking a VIP event, a possible collaboration with a venue in Texas, a ghost writer for my story, a magazine article on the company, an interview on the company, a new prep trainer and so much more!!! I was able to help someone that’s going through a rough time, that I had met last year and also a few others that needed a few moments of my time. 
I’ve been on fire ever since, and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna stop now. The universe has told me it’s now time and I need to continue on and keep moving forward. No one has said that this is the end of the hardships, but yet, the beginning of the new chapter and this one will be phenomenal. 

I do fully believe that if we work hard, put our faith first and continue to do the ‘right’ things with the right direction and continue to help others, the best of the world will be given to us, for we worked hard for it. This is now my time and the beginning of everything I’ve ever worked for is beginning to appear and will not continue now for quite some time. It’s not going to be easy and there’s still issues to deal with, yet the hardships are now over. It’s the universe advising me that it’s time to finally live my life to the fullest with its help. 

I’ll never argue that Faith Without Works Is Dead, for its seen true for me. As well as, letting go and allowing our HP to work in our lives, by following their guidance and continuing on with the footwork, we will be given a full, happy and joyous life filled with nothing shy of miracles. 

Yesterday is passed 
Tomorrow is not promised 
Today is the GIFT 

#MommaLori #MakesitHappen #OnwardToEPIC #HawtiesForHire #H4H

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Impossible is Possible, I'll show you

Tonight and at a point last weekend, I was given a glimpse of my future that I've created. Tonight, I realized ... honestly and deeply... that my dreams are no longer dreams, my dreams are NOW my REALITY!!!! I'm overwhelmed, due to the simple fact that things are coming together midst the horrible time I'm having in another HUGE part of my life. I always wanted a story to show the world that the impossible is possible, I just never imagined it to look like this!!

Two weeks ago, I thought I had the answers to my depleting finances and I was under the impression that I would be able to be assisted by those that I thought unconditionally loved me, and then those options were removed from myself. Leaving me with decisions I needed to either make or else fall apart and crash.

Which at this point in my life, it's NOT an option in my vocabulary, for my children are my world and crashing is not a part of what I do as a role model and a parent. Due to the simple fact that my life as a child was surrounded with those that I loved doing so, resulting in my childhood as it was and having to teach myself to grow up much faster than I had ever wanted. So -- I made some decisions:

I decided to stick to what I've created and continue on with my dreams, less the simple fact that in literally two months I've no idea where I'll be living or how I'll have income if this business does not take off.

Last week I filed for welfare and food stamps, as well as emergency assistance to help me through this month of no revenue. For my business plan included the events that I'm creating to bring in the base revenue and then from that I would build a phenomenal company to help others to achieve their dreams.  Yet, without capital, one needs to be ready for a huge fail and also some major bumps.

I was granted emergency assistance, some food assistance and that was the end of what I was granted, for the government still deems me as a taxable individual that made to much money and is considered to make to much money in order to help assist. Which, was yet, another blow. Fueled my fire is what it did.

This past week, I've not only pounded the pavement to advertise across SE MN, I've also sent out over 400 emails (I'm NOT done yet - for  my first event is not until the 23rd of May ) and I've also worked on mailings to all the female audience that influences this area. I've set up meetings, I'm connecting to all marketing and networking groups and I'm also going to go out and share the excitement and enthusiasm behind this event in the metropolitan area.

I've only began on this journey and when I put my heart and soul into something it  always works out and it's usually better then I'd ever imagined - yet - this time, It's not only for me, my children and god, it's also to help the community and those that work hard for the temples they reside in. I'm not only on this journey for myself, but now to help change the world and even BETTER YET ... I'm NOT working for a company that is only about greed. I'm working towards helping others and allowing my children to grow and excel as humans with dreams and allowing them to achieve the impossible, without even realizing most people look at it as such. 

For over 25 years of my life, I've worked for someone else, and I paid their bills. I sent in my taxes and I did what they told me to do. For years, I was trapped, inside myself, looking through the windows of my soul, only hoping to escape and become who I knew I had the opportunity to become. I was lost .... for over 37 years of my life... and until now, until this year, I had NO idea how trapped I was. I had no idea how much I yearned for freedom, freedom to become all that I knew I could be and all that I had ever dreamed!!

Last weekend, as we stood in the venue, with the lights and the music surrounding me, seeing the individuals I'm working with just light up with excitement and enthusiasm of their dreams, in front of them... as I felt the vibes of the what they are experiencing and knowing, that I had did this, only was reiterated to myself this evening, as I received the brochure of the first event. As I looked it over and I realized that because I've not crashed, I've not caved and I've not given into the evils of the world and that I've followed my hearts desires to the fullest, I'm now living my dreams. They are NO longer dreams, they are NOW a reality!!! 
This afternoon, I spoke to a friend who's interested in investing in the company -- I don't believe that he was put in my path for false HOPE, I believe he's an angel that was sent to give me more hope!!! 

I'm not saying I'm outta the dark yet, I'm not saying that I'm a millionaire, I'm not saying that I don't need any more help -- I'm saying:

I'm FREE!!!!!

Finally, for the first time in my life, I'm whole, inside and out!!! I'm able to do whatever it is that I was meant to do and that with God's help, I will make a difference in this world.

I didn't give up, I don't plan on giving up and I'm only becoming stronger in my faith and spirituality. The universe and I are now connected, it's time to keep working on me and the children, all the while my business and in the time line I set out to achieve the impossible, it'll be. Not because of me, but because of my faith and the guidance I've had over the years.

Here's to the beginning of the rest of my life.

I'm completely overwhelmed with gratitude, even though tomorrow my phone might be shut off and honestly, I've no idea how I'm gonna get gas in the vehicle. I know -- that with
God's help -- it'll all work out and even better, it's gonna be the imaginable. 

Honestly, all of those who never believed, walked away or allowed me to intimidate you, I hope you stayed long enough to see the miracle unravel!! Because it's FINALLY my time!!!! HOLD on .. because it's gonna get Phenomenally AMAZING, BRIGHT and you WILL need sunglasses!!
( To those of you that stuck it out - stayed by my side - or pushed me farther with love... you'll be welcomed with open arms into my jet plane !! LOVE YOU and THANK YOU heart emoticon )

Faith without works is Dead
We are on the BROAD HIGHWAY
Live and Let Live
Make it happen
Be the Change
#MommaLori has only started 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

H4H Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

As we walk into the lobby of the Chamber of Commerce, there stands a group of individuals, mostly in dresses and suits. All very professional individuals, who all turn around as we approach them, to recognize who we are and begin to explain what we will be doing and the next steps.

Then, I'm requested to be introduced to the individuals as I begin to hand out my business cards and begin making new acquaintances and associates for future business opportunities. Just as I'm about to head over to another portion of the folks in attendance, we need to head outside for the picture and the cutting of the ribbon.

We stand outside and I'm directed as to how it will proceed and then we joke around for a few minutes....

We take a few practice shots and we are handed the certificate... 
Then it's time to cut the ribbon and the final picture....
As we all begin to head inside, I'm chatting with another entrepreneur and beginning the networking that I know all to well and am thoroughly enjoying myself. This actually continued inside as well, for it was more of a gathering to connect and take time to introduce my new business. I was able to give a brief description of our services and also make a few people turn their heads and throw out few smiles. Only noticing how many heads I was able to make turn, the men began in to make fun and enjoy themselves. Which make it even more light hearted and fun -- which is the exact way that we would rather have it.

Upon returning home, for I needed to make sure that I took the opportunity to stop and hang a few fliers while I was out, I was able to replenish my social media and share my wonderful afternoon with those that I choose to surround myself with today. For it's those individuals that have helped me to create this amazing opportunity and allowed myself to make mistakes, as well as live my life by learning my lessons with less harshness and more love.

My phone is still ringing and the messages still continue to come in, as well as the emails from the small gathering with the Chamber. This is the beginning of the opening of the business and now it's time to begin  all the collaboration on the advertising for the business and creating more work for the #Hawties on going.

However, the simple fact is this:

Twenty years ago when I began in recovery, you'd never, NOT ONE MINUTE, had have convinced me that I would be opening my own model and talent agency filled with phenomenally fit and gorgeous men!! NOR would you have had convinced me that they would have been attracted to who I am today to want to work with me to help them to achieve their dreams and next levels of success!! I'm beyond ecstatic and full of wonderful emotions today, that I never realized would occur!! The empowerment that I felt today, just with a simple ribbon cutting ceremony, was beyond what I had imagined. Only for the simple fact that, I did this!! I'm actually pretty proud of myself and extremely humbled that people look to me for help with their lives and livelihood, as well as the trust and willingness to allow me to help them to achieve their dreams.

I'm utterly grateful to be where I am today,  even though I'm struggling with having almost nothing I'm 100% full with everything inside. It seems as though the sayings of having to let go of  everything to begin again are nothing shy of the truth!!

It's with  Faith, Honesty, Open Mindedness, Willingness and HOPE that I'm able to be here today, for with out my Higher Power and those around me, the hard work, dedication and determination to do better, this would NOT be my life!!! 

For #MommaLori never would have appeared if it were not you all believing

#HawtiesForHire #H4H #OnwardToEPIC #Agency

Friday, May 1, 2015

May Day Baskets

We'd get off the bus and find ourselves extremely excited to drop them off at the their doorsteps.
We'd be full enthusiasm as we knew we were planning on dropping them off and just running away after ringing their doorbells. We'd be full of giggles and little laughter that would warm our souls, for we knew that we'd be dropping something off that would cheer them up and they would even show us the joy with a hug and some much needed attention, by inviting us into their home. We'd work hard on them in school and we couldn't wait to deliver them. 

We'd set them down, ring the doorbell and run away.
We'd hide around the house corner, chucking and giggling the entire time, waiting for them to open the door and watch them grab the baskets, looking around, pretending not to see or hear us. 
We'd watch them close the door and just laugh out loud, thinking to ourselves that we were soooo sneaky and we had accomplished the "MAY DAY Baskets" goal!!

The next day, I'd stop over, as I always did, for their home was so inviting, yet I was so scared to get anything dirty or touch anything,  for I didn't want to break anything.
I'd be invited in with a such a warm welcome and smile, from my Great Aunt Florence and hear Great Uncle Henry in the background, asking who was here to visit.
I remember the clock on the wall, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock and the sun would shine just right in the living room to brighten up the yellowish tones in their home. The smell of their home, was of an older home, yet so very lived in, that no matter what tried to erase that smell, it still would prevail. 
They would ask me if I knew who dropped off baskets the day before and I would just smile. Then they would offer me some  candy and invite me in to sit down. They would ask me if I would like to play a game of rummy with them, for they knew that my great grandmother would always play it with me. They would ask me if I wanted a glass of water or some juice,  to cool me off from playing outside. 

They didn't offer much, yet it meant the world to me. For in today's world  it seems that we seem to forget the simple gestures that feel SO INCREDIBLY wonderful to our souls. We forget how amazing it felt to be held as a small child, or how it felt so incredible for our grandparents to just give us a simple and we immediately felt like everything would be OK. We forget how phenomenal the smallest gestures mean and feel, until they are gone. We take for granted the little moments that created those 'home' like feelings. We take for granted the simplest little items or signs that we seen while we were grown up that made everything in the world OK, because when you experienced them, you were comforted and through that moment, you soul was brought to a peace. 

Today, I have a clock that makes alot of noise with it's 3rd hand.
Today, I have alot of plants that ease my soul with their living and growth.
Today, I have alot of sunshine in my home.
Today, I give OODLES of hugs.
Today, I stop for the elderly and offer them coffee.
Today, I try not to take my moments for granted.
Today, when I'm shown a small gesture I do my best to return it with all my love.
Today, I'm grateful for the older generation and all that they taught me.
Today, I'm grateful for Rummy.
Today, I miss the old smells and the comforting home of our neighbors and loved ones, Florence and Henry.

Today, I'd give for one of their hugs or gestures, for what they don't know ( or maybe they did ) they helped a lost little girl to find a home within herself that she escapes to alot, especially as an adult. They, that generation, taught me that it's OK to not know the answer, for it's with patience, faith, trust and HOPE that it all works out. It's with knowing that someone did something for you, good or bad, and making it a wonderful experience. They taught me, that no matter how bad I didn't want to be in that place at that moment, it would pass and I would make it through it. They taught me to listen and not speak my mind. They taught me patience is needed for the next move. They taught me to think through my hand of cards, remember what's in the deck and consider the possibilities of what's in  your hand. They taught me alot and as a child, I loved nothing more then spending time in their homes, where it felt like the world could crash down around me and no matter, we'd be OK.

We're in this moment for a reason, much larger then we'd ever imagine, don't take it for granted. You  are here to learn something and even though at this very moment, you may not the exact reason, soak it up, stay present and realize it's the only moment  you have. Live it to the best of your ability, because the next one may not be there.

Happy May Day 

A need for help from the universe

The blog for today is not one of happiness or success, it's not one of joy or laughter, it's actually more of a call out to the entire universe to request for help. Which is very humbling for myself, for today is the day that I need to be directed to the appropriate door to find out how to make my dreams work and also to provide for my children and I. Here's where I step down and put it all out there so that you are able to see what I'm giving up in order to make my dreams come true and also what I've been going to through to make it all  a very successful business.

When our family had to experience loss in 2008,  the loss of the marriage,  the loss of our home (foreclosure),  the loss of our monies (bankruptcy) and then the loss of a baby (Partial Molar Pregnancy), we had no idea what would follow. Yet, that didn't mean that I had to make a decision to give up. It meant that I had to make a decision, to move forward, in one way or another. For me, the choice was simple, it was to go on and do with what I had in front of me and make the most out of it. So, what I did was apply fitness and health to my recipe for life as well as work on my insides. It seems at that point in my life, I'd made the right decision, for I've become successful in each of these areas in my life. I've not only dropped over 70 lbs of body fat, went from size 16 to a size 4, had the honor of being a sponsored runner as well as completing 38 road races as well a full marathon and to add to all of that, I also competed in a figure competition.

Yet, it seems that life still occurs and we still need to continue on making decisions, such as losing loved ones and how to handle that process. We've since buried a wonderful cousin, who at 19 years old, was killed in a car accident. We also put down our family pet, Tico, who was with us since Dylan was a baby. This all occured in 2013, as well as a loss for the children, their great grandmother, all  in August of that year.
Following this, we endured the loss of my job at a corporation that I was at for almost 17 years. Between these two losses is when I made the solemn decision to chase all my dreams of being a motivational speaker and author.
In December of this past year, 2014, we lost another dear family member at the age of 50 years. It was my uncle and if anyone was as close to my siblings and I, other then our father, it was him. He was the glue to the family and he held a smile on everyone's face when we didn't know who else to look to for one.

This all leads us up to where I am today. I continued on with my dreams, however, I was given an opportunity like no other, with the chance to open a model and talent agency as well as an event planner. Where I chose to put into place and utilize all the tools that I've encountered over the years, life coaching, mentoring, inspiring, motivation and so on to help all these individuals achieve their next level in life.

However, with this decision, I've also now run out of all of the funding available to help me move forward. The first event is not until  the 23rd of May, 2015 and I'm in need of some help. If this next 20 days do not bring in some funding, we will have to think of the next step. While I'm sitting here asking for help, I'm also packing up our items in our home and making a decision to move into housing that is much cheaper, an area that is a cheaper living area as well as connecting back with my family to hopefully find the help that is needed to keep moving forward. I've also inquired on two part time positions to bring back in some income to not shut the door.

If you have any venues of help or if you know of something that might help continue my dreams and to lift me up to the next level, now is the time that I need to ask for that help. For I've now exhausted my avenues.

Thank you for reading and also may this not stop you from going out to achieve your own dreams, may it show you that if you are moving forward to have the appropriate support other then Faith to move forward.

Here's to another productive day, with tears, smiles, miracles and knowledge that due to the fact that we opened our eyes today, we need to stay grateful!!

Any donations and/or considerations are accepted!!!

#Gratitude #HELP #FundMe #Dreams #DontQuit #MommaLori #HawtiesForHire #H4H