Friday, May 1, 2015

A need for help from the universe

The blog for today is not one of happiness or success, it's not one of joy or laughter, it's actually more of a call out to the entire universe to request for help. Which is very humbling for myself, for today is the day that I need to be directed to the appropriate door to find out how to make my dreams work and also to provide for my children and I. Here's where I step down and put it all out there so that you are able to see what I'm giving up in order to make my dreams come true and also what I've been going to through to make it all  a very successful business.

When our family had to experience loss in 2008,  the loss of the marriage,  the loss of our home (foreclosure),  the loss of our monies (bankruptcy) and then the loss of a baby (Partial Molar Pregnancy), we had no idea what would follow. Yet, that didn't mean that I had to make a decision to give up. It meant that I had to make a decision, to move forward, in one way or another. For me, the choice was simple, it was to go on and do with what I had in front of me and make the most out of it. So, what I did was apply fitness and health to my recipe for life as well as work on my insides. It seems at that point in my life, I'd made the right decision, for I've become successful in each of these areas in my life. I've not only dropped over 70 lbs of body fat, went from size 16 to a size 4, had the honor of being a sponsored runner as well as completing 38 road races as well a full marathon and to add to all of that, I also competed in a figure competition.

Yet, it seems that life still occurs and we still need to continue on making decisions, such as losing loved ones and how to handle that process. We've since buried a wonderful cousin, who at 19 years old, was killed in a car accident. We also put down our family pet, Tico, who was with us since Dylan was a baby. This all occured in 2013, as well as a loss for the children, their great grandmother, all  in August of that year.
Following this, we endured the loss of my job at a corporation that I was at for almost 17 years. Between these two losses is when I made the solemn decision to chase all my dreams of being a motivational speaker and author.
In December of this past year, 2014, we lost another dear family member at the age of 50 years. It was my uncle and if anyone was as close to my siblings and I, other then our father, it was him. He was the glue to the family and he held a smile on everyone's face when we didn't know who else to look to for one.

This all leads us up to where I am today. I continued on with my dreams, however, I was given an opportunity like no other, with the chance to open a model and talent agency as well as an event planner. Where I chose to put into place and utilize all the tools that I've encountered over the years, life coaching, mentoring, inspiring, motivation and so on to help all these individuals achieve their next level in life.

However, with this decision, I've also now run out of all of the funding available to help me move forward. The first event is not until  the 23rd of May, 2015 and I'm in need of some help. If this next 20 days do not bring in some funding, we will have to think of the next step. While I'm sitting here asking for help, I'm also packing up our items in our home and making a decision to move into housing that is much cheaper, an area that is a cheaper living area as well as connecting back with my family to hopefully find the help that is needed to keep moving forward. I've also inquired on two part time positions to bring back in some income to not shut the door.

If you have any venues of help or if you know of something that might help continue my dreams and to lift me up to the next level, now is the time that I need to ask for that help. For I've now exhausted my avenues.

Thank you for reading and also may this not stop you from going out to achieve your own dreams, may it show you that if you are moving forward to have the appropriate support other then Faith to move forward.

Here's to another productive day, with tears, smiles, miracles and knowledge that due to the fact that we opened our eyes today, we need to stay grateful!!

Any donations and/or considerations are accepted!!!

#Gratitude #HELP #FundMe #Dreams #DontQuit #MommaLori #HawtiesForHire #H4H

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