Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"Don't Leave Before the Miracle Occurs"

I honestly believe that we are given an idea for a reason. I also believe that we are given a passion for a reason. Some of us have different ideas and passions. Some of us are able to put both of them in a very small box inside and let them sit there and never escape. Some of us are OK with allowing them to show through a little here and a little there. Then there are those of us that need to follow through and make these ideas and passion work.  That’s who I am. I’m someone who’s had dreams her whole life and allowed them to be pushed aside, until I realized that there’s only one day to live and that day is today. I was blessed to have been given a glimpse of death, multiple times, as well as watching others put their loved ones into the ground. I was blessed to be robbed of all the ones that I thought loved me, and to feel the emptiness that accompanies the grief that one needs to feel from loss. I was blessed to feel all of these awful feelings, to bring me to the simple fact that we only have today to live.

“We have to make the lives we are to live, the fullest we are able to with what we have. We have to take risks and we need to follow our hearts and the passions we are given or that we find. We have to move forward with what we were given in order to become who we are meant to be.” It’s what I’ve been told for years, through multiple channels and multiple leaders and those that I’ve looked up too. It’s what’s been drilled into my mind for years now and today, I’m living this.

As I sat in the coffee shop today, I was reminded of what was shared on Saturday night, when I received my 20 year medallion. A friend of mine shared: “Lori, you are an inspiration, as you are showing us how to live outside of these rooms. You are following your dreams and doing what you feel as though is your path. You are showing us a new way of life, by applying these principles, one day at a time.”

I was honored to be interviewed today on a dream that has formed into a business. I was able to share with the journalist how I created this new agency and what the reasons behind it were. I was able to share the ideas and the business plan behind it as well. I was able to shed light, on what she thought was something completely different then what I sharing. I was able to be offered up a chance to share with the local world what the business is all about and how it will help others in their lives today. I was able to remind myself what I’m building is worth every moment of sleepless nights and all the effort and time I’ve spent creating this entity.

I also shared with her how extremely lonely this venture is and how one needs to realize that in order to create the lives they would like to live, they need to be willing to literally give up everything in order to make it become something solid. One needs to have courage, confidence, strength and faith to continue on each day, for there’s so many times that you feel completely defeated, or alone and you are beaten down by those you’d wish were the exact ones that were supporting you. One needs to know that faith is believing in the first step and not worrying about the entire staircase.

I was told that the idea was placed in my head for a reason and the rest of it doesn’t matter. All I need to do is make that idea become reality and the rest of it will work out. There’s not a day that goes by at this point in my life, that I don’t shed a tear, hold either my children or teddy bear and look up at the skies and ask the heavens above to help me through this that moment. There’s not a moment where I don’t want nothing more than to be held and told that this is the right path and you are doing a great thing, all of this will work out and you will be more then OK. There’s not a day that I don’t continue to check in and ask my H.P. if what I’m doing is the right thing or am I completely off track and I’m reminded, very gently and quietly: “Don’t Quit Lori”

Have you ever been so afraid that you don’t even know how you take the next steps? Have you ever wanted to just crawl into a little ball and not move for days? Have you ever been so confident that what you are doing at this very moment is the exact thing you are supposed to be doing, yet you have so much fear of the unknown that you listen to the path that you’ve always wanted and trust the process?

The universe continues to open up opportunities for me and I continue to take them, even the smaller ones, to prove to myself that I’m not wrong and that I’m headed on the right path and that with every ounce of faith that I have is being utilized to keep moving forward. The people that believed have lingered away and there stands only a few. The people that never believed have begun to try to create stronger ripples to shut me down. The ones that I’ve allowed close to me, are but two or three.

The path I’m on is very, very lonely. Only showing me that I’m doing the right things, for people only hand out when they are able to see the future and are comfortable. Those that do not understand risk, allow the unknown or are OK with whatever occurs in this world, are not on my path any longer. Which is OK. It’s just difficult, lonely and hard…it doesn’t mean that were I’m going isn’t exactly where I want to be, it means that this is the part where we wait for the miracles from all the footwork and we don’t give up, because we are on the brink of something completely EPIC.

If you give up – you will never know if it was possible or not. Do NOT leave before the miracle occurs. 

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