Monday, April 18, 2016

Thank you for all the heartache.

The sun was blasting it's beauty down on me as I drove away, after dropping off the children, knowing that I had to let them go for another 9 hours so that I was able to attend to the place that paid our bills, yet I didn't want to let them go, for I also knew that you'd not be calling me today.

I sent out messages to all those I was close to at that time, sharing with them that I was thinking of them and only wished that someone had sent me a message first.

I drove home.

Knowing that through the day you'd never call me.
Knowing that through the day you'd never text me.
Knowing that through the day you'd never think of me.
Knowing that the person I'd given my heart to didn't feel the same way any longer.

This happened for almost two years.

Than I changed.

I let you go.

Today, I drove that exact same drive, the sun wasn't shining down on me, but my heart wasn't missing you any longer. Today, the children weren't leaving for the day. Today, I didn't yearn for you to contact me. Today, I don't think about you. Today, I don't wait.

We all have changes to face in our lives.
We all have challenges to face in our lives.
We all have choices to make in our lives.
We all have heart ache in our lives.
We all have this life, called a journey.

It's up to us to choose to live it in misery or to actually live it.
It's up to us to choose to feel the feelings that attend this journey with us.
It's up to us to choose to grow and change with this journey.
It's up to us to choose to let go and become stronger.
It's up to us to choose to become who we'd like to be.
It's up to us to choose to do the work.
It's up to us to choose.

I've let you go.
I've chosen to learn to live.
I've made room for the next adventure in my heart.
I've decided that this journey doesn't end because we feel pain.
I've decided that this journey includes bumps, mistakes, lessons and so much more.

Thank you for all the times we had together.
Thank you for teaching me how strong I really am.
Thank you for teaching me that I'm worth it.
Thank you for everything you left behind.
Thank you for being in my life.
Thank you.

Someday, that love that I felt, will return.
Someday, that message will appear and it will warm my heart, soul and everything in between.
Someday, I'll love again.

For today, I'm working on loving me more and sharing the love to those that show me that they love me.

I will LOVE.

For today, is all I have. Today.

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