Monday, April 1, 2013

~Opportunites Arise~

This week was full.
This week was overwhelming.
This week was adventurous.
This week was exciting.
This week was scarey.
This week I grew as an adult and a human.
This week was the beginning to many opportunities, never seen through my eyes, only through my dreams.

This week I was able to enjoy my workouts - I spent my time in the gym, I spent my time running with Team RED, I spent my time training speed intervals. This week I grew within my health and my body. I was also able to learn that I dropped another pant size and that I will need to go shopping for more jeans. This week people began to notice the work done in the gym and complimenting me as to my hard work, that's paying off.

This week, I've been approached multiple times for multiple opportunities that will surface over the next few months. The doors keep opening, as I continue to do the work that is put forth. It's the strangest thing I've encountered in a very long time. I've got nothing but gratitude for all that is coming my way. I'm very humbled by what is approaching and at times, I just cry at the sounds of the opportunities knocking - not because they hurt, or that I'm scared, yet more because I'm grateful.

There's so much to be said about putting forth the work into your dreams and goals. The truth enlies within the sayings that you need to work for what it is that you dream to have. My dream isn't as simple as stepping up, getting a degree, and looking for a job. My dream is help motivate and inspire souls. The dream needs to have a base to begin and then there needs to be outlets that will allow the message to be delivered. Those outlets are not going to be opened by myself, they will need to be opened by others. By others that see what I have and who I am, need to be seen and heard. I'm not out to rich with money, yet to be rich by giving away to others what was so freely given to me. My dream is to help the world become alive and realize that there's good in our souls and that through healthy ways of living, one is able to achieve the impossible.

I'd never had ever believed that today I would be able to share with  you the story that I've been working on over the journey of my life and that the story would be part of who I am and all that I believe. I would never had ever told you that I was going to run, more or less race. I would never had ever told you that I wanted to lift heavy weights or be a part of a gym environment. I would never have had told you that I wanted to look into fitness modeling. I would never had told you that I wanted to do a fitness photography shoot, more or less and interview to be aired on TV. My story was not what I dreamed of while I was growing up -- far, far from it. Though, my story is one that will help others. Now to open my heart and mind to all the opportunities that will encompass this story and help it to be told.

There are those that we see in the world that we would like to follow or like to be like when we grow up. I always enjoyed Martin Luther King Jr., for he stood for all he believed in. Mother Teresa, she did what she felt would help those less unfortunate. It's these people that I looked up too my entire childhood and wanted to do what they did, in a way. Today, it's becoming true, the dream that I had dreamed when I was little, just in a different form then I ever imagined possible.

ONWARD to the journey we live ~~ I only hope, for you, that you LIVE it and not sacrifice all that you believe to just live.

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