Eitherway, I ran 6 mi on monday ( up and down a few inclines -- this is what my running partner called them -- I disagreed!! ). I am learning new things as I run, which I think at this point is a great thing for me!!
I am also picking up tools, for the mentality part of races -- this is a huge pc of how to keep yourself running as well as keeping your pace.
Here are a few things I am learning:
- Your feet take a lickin!! -- Taking good care of them is important!! NO COTTON!!!
- Your legs/arms also take a lickin!! -- By maintaining strenth training it is helping me to stay 'fit' and not have injuries OR wear out as fast
- Use something for chapping
- Do not worry or sweat the small stuff ( it comes out anyways -- HA ) -- such as blisters
- Prepare your mind !! -- I am picking up alot of movies an phrases
- Share w/ other runners -- while running or just in general for we all know what it is like out there!!
There you have it -- now on Monday -- I am off to my 7 mi!! Hopefully my running partner will NOT choose a death trail for me !!!
* one other thing -- Ihave lowered my time for my half ( being my first I do not want to let myself down and I do not want to die -- my time is 2.25 )
* I am now dreaming about racing -- HA
* Here is my info for my race/sponser:
SPONSER Page ( ST.Judes )
Event Page ( Long Beach Marathon )
Thanks for stopping by!!