Today is the beginning of starting over my workout regime - after around 30 days off - the need to get back into the swing of things is there for me. How strange, never thought I would ever think this, yet, I found myself wondering: how good would it feel to get back out there and run again - or complete my circuit training? Yet, this happened the other day, so here I am - on a Saturday, childless, out running!!
I did complete a run of 2 m this morning. I chose not to time myself, since this was the first run or exercise I have done in around a months time.
I did purchase new shoes, for the foot that was injured is what had stopped my exercise in the first place. I am going to also venture to a shoe store and find some insoles for my arches, I feel they are needed. Than I am ready to get movin again!!
I am going to also set up a session with my trainer, so that she can kick me in the duff and help me get back into it!!
A goal that I am going to set is to be able to run a half marathon yet this year, with dropping my size down 4 more inches in a few areas. I will have to take it up with my trainer as to how long I can set a goal time for these, yet, these are what I am going to shoot for.
Hope you are well and all is GREAT in your world!!
Thanks for the read!! Many Hugs...
Congratulations on making the return to health and wellness. It has been a few days and there is no update. One has to wonder whether your arches got the best of you! Just remember...pain is weakness leaving the body.