The old saying goes:
"Don't quit before the Miracle happens" and it still stands very true for this woman!! Here's a story of why......

I had connected to all of those that I felt were spiritual in nature and had been where I had been, as well as connecting to all the local businesses and letting everyone in my path know exactly what I was going through and asking for the help needed. I wasn't going to give up until I found what we needed to move forward and the first thing on that list was a permanent place to live for the next few years as I build back up my life.
There was a storage unit that I was renting from a local business man. When I signed the contract I told him of my entire situation and that if he had heard of anything to let me know or what not, while sharing with him my entire situation. What I didn't know or realize was that others were also looking out for the children and I!! He was asked by the owner of the business that I worked fulltime for to find us a place to live. So, that's just what he did....
As they called me up to the front, they explained to me that I was being asked for by a man that I had rented a storage unit from, what he had to share with me was not what I was expecting!!! It actually blew me off my socks and brought tears to my eyes when I got back to my office space.
He came in to share with me that he had his largest rental open and that if I wanted it, to come and check it out. That evening worked out for us and we decided to take the opportunity!! Of course, we have to make more changes, leaving our cats out of the equation now, but we would now have not only our own place to live, we would also have a front and back door with a HUGE back yard to play in!!! It's a blessing, a blasted blessing ... but it doesn't end there !!
A week after sharing that we were going to be moving into a 3/4 bdrm home, we were gifted with all the furnishing needed, as you see we had not much left after having moved two times in less than 3 months. We had downsized even more and was only left with the bare essentials. We had calls left and right with people trying to help us out. The largest gift thus far was an entire home full of furnishings that were offered up to us. Not only did we end up with a fully furnished home, we also ended up with some extra added bonuses, such as a hutch for Momma!!
Than as things began to get closer to the move in date, we were continued with blessings upon blessings.... all the times in my life, I've had to either rent a truck, beg people to bring their trucks or do it on my own...but not this time. We were blessed with the owners truck to move everything!!! People continued to sign up to help us move...
It's absolutely phenomenal to me how God works.
I've given up all control and I'm not worrying about the next step. I honestly do not know what's all next in my life, I have some goals, some plans and some things in line, but the rest, I have absolutely NO IDEA!!!! NONE!!! And I'm OK with that. Why ?? Well, because God's got me.
As long as I continue to take that first step, the rest of the staircase is none of my business!! NONE!!! Here we go ... #OnwardToEPIC with #MommaLori who #MakesItHappen
#KeepTheFaith and #NEVERGIVEUP
Beautiful story!
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