The heavens opened up and sent me an angel.
My own Super Hero…
This man that’s come into my life, not only takes the time
to listen he takes the time to learn about me and what’s going on inside of me.
He doesn’t want things to fester and bother me, he hears it in my voice when
things are ‘wrong’ and he calls me on it. He wants to know how I operate, why I
do things, how I make it through and what I have coming up next. He makes plans
for our future and involves those that are most important in our lives. He doesn’t
want anyone to feel left out and he doesn’t want me to go through more pain and
turmoil to get to where we’d like to be. He slows me down, where I need to look
at the bigger picture and he steps out of the way when he needs too. He teaches
me that selfishness is a way of life, not an asset. He shows me that the way a
father is to a daughter is how I wished my father would have been to me. He
asks me how I want to be treated and he works on applying it to his life. He
makes it easy to open up to him, only to allow him to visit my soul while I’ve
worked so hard on keeping others out for a very long time.
His job is to save people and to make sure that others are
safe from harm. He designates his co-workers as a family, not colleagues. He
knows that no matter what, he needs to learn more to help more. He takes the
initiative to create a better world, one small step at a time, even if it means
he has to give up more of his wants and desires. He works long hours for those
he loves and he doesn’t complain about what he has to do next, he follows
through and does it. There’s no mountain too high for him, no venture too large
for him, no adventures too scary for him, there’s no fear he’s not willing to
push through and create something better. He doesn’t consider himself a hero or
an angel, with humility he takes his life with a pride that is unknown to many,
yet looked up by millions. He creates opportunities for those that have less
then and does what he’s able to apply for them.
The man that I describe is who I’ve fallen in love with and the best part of it all is that he wants me as much as I want him, in my life. The hard part is that I’m not sure when we’ll be able to implement it 100%, yet the goal is to work towards creating a family and making this dream more of a lifestyle then something we all read about. Until then, we work on what we can … one day at a time…
The man that I describe is who I’ve fallen in love with and the best part of it all is that he wants me as much as I want him, in my life. The hard part is that I’m not sure when we’ll be able to implement it 100%, yet the goal is to work towards creating a family and making this dream more of a lifestyle then something we all read about. Until then, we work on what we can … one day at a time…
There’s more to this story then we realize, yet for me at
this moment, it’s my HOPE and DREAM that it doesn’t end today, tomorrow or
anywhere near those.
Never stop dreaming – Dreams come true and Miracles do Occur
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