Saturday, March 31, 2012

A nice little 6 miler

Yesterday I had the chance to run with my friend, Val. ( 6 miles in 57 min!! )

I am learning that when I run with certain people I am able to do different things -- with Val the pace I am able to run at will push her and myself. It feels good to know that at this time in my training season, after being out for a brief rest from the effects of the Sesamode bone, I am able to run at the paces I am pulling off.

This gets me excited!!

Tomorrow is Fools Five Race ( ) !! I am not out to PR or do push myself to the ultimate limit for I need to return home after running the 8K as well as a 2 mile warm up and complete 10 more miles. That will be my long run day.

I have begun alot of traveling plans for the upcoming races and I am finding it that there are alot of my Team members from Team MARATHON that are racing the races!! I am becoming SUPER Pumped to meet them all!!!! How exciting to meet team members from around the US of A !! 

There is a notion that I am fulfilling my first full marathon in May ... now after my 15 miler last week, I know that I am going to finish the full, not at a pace that I would like too, but none the less, I will finish my first full ever in May '12.

You are able to accomplish whatever you set your mind out to do !! What are you going to accomplish today ??

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