Saturday, March 31, 2012

A nice little 6 miler

Yesterday I had the chance to run with my friend, Val. ( 6 miles in 57 min!! )

I am learning that when I run with certain people I am able to do different things -- with Val the pace I am able to run at will push her and myself. It feels good to know that at this time in my training season, after being out for a brief rest from the effects of the Sesamode bone, I am able to run at the paces I am pulling off.

This gets me excited!!

Tomorrow is Fools Five Race ( ) !! I am not out to PR or do push myself to the ultimate limit for I need to return home after running the 8K as well as a 2 mile warm up and complete 10 more miles. That will be my long run day.

I have begun alot of traveling plans for the upcoming races and I am finding it that there are alot of my Team members from Team MARATHON that are racing the races!! I am becoming SUPER Pumped to meet them all!!!! How exciting to meet team members from around the US of A !! 

There is a notion that I am fulfilling my first full marathon in May ... now after my 15 miler last week, I know that I am going to finish the full, not at a pace that I would like too, but none the less, I will finish my first full ever in May '12.

You are able to accomplish whatever you set your mind out to do !! What are you going to accomplish today ??

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Track workout

I tell ya what -- that was FUN!!!! Yes it was fun due to the fact that my friend Ang came out to join us tonight, but better yet, it was fun as I am FINALLY able to start pushing it again!! Man the times were amazing for not having done any speed work in some time, other then a race here or there.

I was able to hold nice splits tonight, granted the recovery was FULL, but I still was grateful to have the times I did. Not ONLY does this mean I am still strong, but I will also be able to better them in time.

What I did find a bit annoying was from my strength workout yesterday, the pain that was left behind. My hammies were screaming at me a little bit.. which is OK. Means it actually worked. OK -- I'll do that again tomorrow :)

We had a our training for the sponsorship today, only lit the fire a little more!! It's time to train and train hard, without injuries!!

OH -->> AND get this...I recieved a FREE registration for another half !! This one is in Wisconsin Dells. Course it is the weekend before Grandma's Half, yet, that's OK. Just another training run for the year :O) And possibly a nice short vaca for the kids and I.

Stay on Keep on ....

Here's something FUN:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012's been a lil while!!

Today was a day of strength training.

I was able to get in 2 reps of each set and successfully worked up a sweat as well as felt it in my muscles :O) Sweat is fat leaving the body ... and the pain only means it's working successfully.

I was not able to get on here yesterday or over the weekend, yet, I was able to get in my runs. 15 miles on Saturday and then a short tempo run yesterday. It was actually pretty neat to look at the times and also the fact that I completed the miles. I did not dread them, nor did I procrastinate to get out to run them. Progress I believe.....

Here's half way through the first third of the 15 miles ( Taunton, MN ) :

Yesterday was on the dreadmill -- due to time. Got her done and it worked out pretty good .. some nice splits for me, for not being as active as I have yearned for.

Tomorrow will be a nice run on the track ... with some great friends from Team RED!!!

Onward and Upward!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Whoa...two posts - one day !!


Went out for a short run, as I didn't know how my chins would react after last nights run and MAN did I sweat !! It is a bit humid out there!! NOW that's what I am talking about !!! LOVE IT !!

Ran a 3.5 miler - hit it harder on mile 2 - for a brief tempo. Didn't do so bad .. need to try to hold the race pace when out there, so onward to next week's tempos. ONLY way to get faster is do the work!!!

This weekend I will be traveling to SW MN and I am going to shoot for a 15 miler. I am told, get it in NO MATTER I will be out there!! It'll get done.

There's only one way to know that I am strong enough at my races, that's putting in the training. They say:

TRUST your Training !!

So == if you haven't gotten out there, DO IT NOW!!!!


Wednesday's late post ... HA

Chello !!!

Yesterday I was able to get in two workouts -- YAY!!!!

First, I lifted and worked the upper body for my noon break --I was only able to put in a total of 20 min, so it was hard/fast reps -- but gotta 'er done!!

Second, I was able to join my friend out at her place and take a nice 4 miler out in the humidity -- OOFTA .. it's definitely spring around this area!! It also upset my shins for come odd reason .. I am becoming more an more excited about getting my orthotics !! Hopefully that will begin to help as well as some new shoes also.

Third, my friend and I made a plan, which includes us figuring out sitters as well as putting in extra runs and speed work :O)

Life is really great -- only if you choose to make it that way!! For me, it seems that I have to stay super busy and also include people everyday of my life!!!

I received a phone call yesterday from a friend, who shared with me that she is progressing in her cardio workouts!! How AWESOME !! I love it - and I didn't have to 'push' her to do it .. it was because she seen changes in others and wanted the same in herself!! It's ALL about becoming willing , doing the footwork and continuing on -- NO MATTER WHAT !!!!

Ask yourself, instead of WHY, WHY NOT?????

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tank Top and Shorts !! I think SO!!


Went out for a quick 4 miler and didn't do so bad. I am super excited about this up coming race season. Looks like I am starting off strong, which means that as I train I will only become stronger -- guess this winter workouts paid off!!!!

Not to much to report other then it was super beautiful out and I took advantage of that for my break today !!!

Hope you all did the same !!!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012


What a great night for a run -- man alive -- we set out  ( the children on their bikes and I on my feet ) to visit a few parks and then we were going to go an get them some ice cream. We made it to one park and on the way to the next after the ice cream and ran into ( almost literally ) our dearest friend Tom OL. He reminded us that there was track workout tonight down at the track. So, we decided, we'd go down there.

Got down there, with a nice warm up, and decided to do another mile of warm up with the guys and then onward to tempo, or sort of, speed and then a mile of cool down on our way home.

BAM -- another 5 miler night :O)

The body is feeling GREAT and the foot is good as gold!! I have orthotics molded an also soon as those come in I hope I am more then ready to hit the speed work outs.

I am going to up my miles and get at it -- for all my races are upcoming. Actually, one is this Sunday !!!

How exciting -- my times are not as near as horrible as I thought they would be after a good rest and that makes this runner superbly HAPPY!!

Onward and Upward -- keep BELIEVING!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Not as disappointed as I had planned

Tonight I was able to run 5 miles, by myself and in any given amount I wanted. So, I decided to just go with it and try some hills and some faster paces, yet not over doing it.

Ran it in under 50 min, so that was pretty amazing for me - since I was out these last few weeks and this is only the beginning of all the training upcoming in '12!!

I did do something I wish I hadn't -- wore cotton socks -- DOOOH!! I know have a very large blister on the BOTTOM of my foot -- oh well...calis and an asset in time :O) Turn it into a good thing!!

ONWARD -- BAM POW!! I am ready !!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Runinng in Shorts, yeah baby!!

Who would have thought that on March 12th, 2012 we would have been out trucking along in shorts on our run in the afternoon hours ?? Oh jeezzz -- who knows on that one, but we were !!

Angie and I headed out for a short jaunt ( 6 miler ) and some long over needed friend time...sometimes when I do not run with some of my friends, I forget what I am missing. Man, it was great to run with her and 'catch up'. We also added a dog to our friendly run, he figured he'd join us that last 3 miles...went to take him home and he was gone. I do hope he found his way home or that his owners are not out looking for him as I write this !!!

I am feeling much better out there, but still not so happy with myself, for I know that I am getting back into things and that it is going to take time. But man oh man, do I beat up on myself !! UGH!!! Oh well, this too shall pass and I will be right back at the game -- doesn't take long to come back, its that 'time' in between that I really dislike!!

Tomorrow I will head out over noon hour and hit up another 3 miler and some core workout tomorrow evening when I return home. Time to push it to the grind once again ... strange, once I am off kilter, I just have a hard time getting back into it. Oh -- you two ?? Splendid, then I am NOT alone !! How great that feels!! I am super happy that we are human that we are not prone to staying at one thing ALL the time!!

Till Tomorrow my dearest readers .... onward and upward!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ran a route for the upocming 5K

Today we took advantage of the beautiful weather outside and ran around one of the high schools to prepare for a race that is coming up in April that I am directing. Needed a new route, so we decided, we would run it. It was less miles than I thought it would add up to be, but it was definetly a great time had by all and also we found a new way to run the route. Excited about that ...

Not much else to report other then I am ready to run MORE -- hopefully on Wednesday I am off restrictions and allowed to start the 'real' training.

Until next time my fellow runners !!

Onward and Upward!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


The deal is signed and I am not officially re-sponsored by MARATHON !!!!

Now to begin the real training regimen. It's time to begin to think of how, when and what times I am going to start putting in the hours of training that this year will need to create the strength and endurance needed to run 19 more races.

Tomorrow I shall begin doubling up on cardio -- I am going to bike for a half an hour and then run 4 to 5 miles. I need to begin more cardio as I am on restrictions from running at this point. I am hoping that in April, I am free to run like the wind !!!

There is a race next weekend, the HUMAN RACE and I plan on running it and doing the best I am able to from what training I have had, which is not what I would like to have had before a race, yet, it will be run to the best of my ability.

Time for some rest before tomorrow arrives so that I am able to get my training on.

ONward and UPward!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Running with Friends

Today I was able to run with Jim Parry!! He is running from 5AM to 9PM to raise funds to support the grants that are given to the children who are not able to afford the YMCA. It was very nice to be able to run next to him and also chat about our upcoming adventures. Of course, he will need more support as the day goes on, for the dreadmill is horrifying to any runner, yet, he is doing it !!! GO JIM!!
Yesterday was a hard workout with Sherry !! OOFTA !! That's the second workout with her this week. Thought I would ask for another workout, since I am down in my mileage this week due to the foot. Wanted to get in some great workouts so that next week, I am able to beef up the workouts an miles :O) Gotta get ready for 2012 ------>>>> I am NOW Re-Sponsored by MARATHON Bars!!!! <<<--------------------

Man am I PUMPED to be reupped !! HOW exciting and yet, now comes the hard work and also the training...need to make sure to stay STRONG and HEALTHY!!!! 20 races, will not be simple to train for and complete if not!!

I was also given another opportunity today that was presented to me and I am seriously considering this one. I will add to my schedule with this one, yet, I am not sure that I am able to pass this one up. More to come on that one.

I tell ya, if you do not dream it, believe it or put the work forth to gain it, it will never come !!!! HOW amazing life is if you allow it to be.... OPEN The universe, WORK on you and BELIEVE in yourself !!! Watch the world open up to you !!!


Monday, March 5, 2012

Wow'zers I am feeling the fire !!

Man do I feel alive !!!!

I have not been updating due to the fact that I had an inflammation under my right big toe and I was not running. Not that I was only feeling the pain from that I was also not feeling the 'bug' of running/exercise or anything. Pretty much down and out. Obviously, my body needed a break. So -- something went haywire and I had to get things checked out.

I went into a foot doc and I was told and confirmed I had : Sesamoiditis ( ). Here is a brief picture of what it looks like on an X-ray:

What happened, or what the foot doctor believes, is that I have irritated the bone area and that is why everything is inflamed. Now, how did that occur, from wearing a half orthotic and also not replenishing the shoes. I normally do this every 300 miles and I failed to do. So, with those two things and then with ramping up long runs, I am in this position.

When I went in I figured the worst of the worst, not surgery, but to be out for at least 3 weeks. Yet, I was given 3 options: Cori zone shot, rest 3 weeks, or a carbon plate in my shoe and an inflammatory. I chose the later. And I am super happy that I did -- I am already out an running.

He informed me that I needed to run in moderation and also mildly. I asked for details and also specifics. HA !! I do not do things in moderation well at all!!!!

Tonight I went out with someone that asked if I would run with her and she is just starting to that was perfect for me to get back out there.

I might have thrown off my full training but that's OK. I will finish the race, probably not near where I would like too, but I will.

I have also signed up for most of the races from now until July. I still have a few more to sign up for, but I am still on track with winning the group lottery for Grama's half in June!!!

Also signed up for Chicago's Rock N Roll in July with another friend.

I am loving the friends I have gained through running, think I FINALLY found life long ones!!! TYG....

Onward and Upwards!!!!