Tuesday, May 5, 2015

H4H Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

As we walk into the lobby of the Chamber of Commerce, there stands a group of individuals, mostly in dresses and suits. All very professional individuals, who all turn around as we approach them, to recognize who we are and begin to explain what we will be doing and the next steps.

Then, I'm requested to be introduced to the individuals as I begin to hand out my business cards and begin making new acquaintances and associates for future business opportunities. Just as I'm about to head over to another portion of the folks in attendance, we need to head outside for the picture and the cutting of the ribbon.

We stand outside and I'm directed as to how it will proceed and then we joke around for a few minutes....

We take a few practice shots and we are handed the certificate... 
Then it's time to cut the ribbon and the final picture....
As we all begin to head inside, I'm chatting with another entrepreneur and beginning the networking that I know all to well and am thoroughly enjoying myself. This actually continued inside as well, for it was more of a gathering to connect and take time to introduce my new business. I was able to give a brief description of our services and also make a few people turn their heads and throw out few smiles. Only noticing how many heads I was able to make turn, the men began in to make fun and enjoy themselves. Which make it even more light hearted and fun -- which is the exact way that we would rather have it.

Upon returning home, for I needed to make sure that I took the opportunity to stop and hang a few fliers while I was out, I was able to replenish my social media and share my wonderful afternoon with those that I choose to surround myself with today. For it's those individuals that have helped me to create this amazing opportunity and allowed myself to make mistakes, as well as live my life by learning my lessons with less harshness and more love.

My phone is still ringing and the messages still continue to come in, as well as the emails from the small gathering with the Chamber. This is the beginning of the opening of the business and now it's time to begin  all the collaboration on the advertising for the business and creating more work for the #Hawties on going.

However, the simple fact is this:

Twenty years ago when I began in recovery, you'd never, NOT ONE MINUTE, had have convinced me that I would be opening my own model and talent agency filled with phenomenally fit and gorgeous men!! NOR would you have had convinced me that they would have been attracted to who I am today to want to work with me to help them to achieve their dreams and next levels of success!! I'm beyond ecstatic and full of wonderful emotions today, that I never realized would occur!! The empowerment that I felt today, just with a simple ribbon cutting ceremony, was beyond what I had imagined. Only for the simple fact that, I did this!! I'm actually pretty proud of myself and extremely humbled that people look to me for help with their lives and livelihood, as well as the trust and willingness to allow me to help them to achieve their dreams.

I'm utterly grateful to be where I am today,  even though I'm struggling with having almost nothing I'm 100% full with everything inside. It seems as though the sayings of having to let go of  everything to begin again are nothing shy of the truth!!

It's with  Faith, Honesty, Open Mindedness, Willingness and HOPE that I'm able to be here today, for with out my Higher Power and those around me, the hard work, dedication and determination to do better, this would NOT be my life!!! 

For #MommaLori never would have appeared if it were not you all believing

#HawtiesForHire #H4H #OnwardToEPIC #Agency

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