Tonight, I watched a show with my son. It was a show about young boy who'd had a hard childhood and had to move around alot, making it a lifestyle to go to new schools and make new friends continuously. He had a hard time fitting in, he was bullied alot and people made fun of who he 'was' yet, he always had a dream to become a boxer. His mother was afraid to allow him to step into that sport or lifestyle as she called it, in fear that he'd be extremely hurt. He'd went behind her back and the short summary of the story is, the kid started boxing, ended up gaining confidence and learned about himself as well as found how to believe in himself. His parents and grandparents were there to watch him, as he stepped into the ring, believing in him as well and showing support.
Earlier today, My son said to me: " Mom, you make us your priority. Thank you for raising us."
While watching that show and hearing what my son said today, I was moved. Moved because, the moments I remember in life are the ones where my loved ones showed up...not because they were forced too, but because they wanted to show support.
Did you know that I competed in my first figure competition this May, scared out of my damn mind and horrified to step into that suit and show the world every flaw I had, yet I held together the entire night until -- My grandmother and mother walked out after I was done, surprising me. I started crying, pretty much went into a bawling fit. It was then, that moment, that I knew that what I've done and am doing is the 'right' thing in my life. For today I believe in myself enough to push myself to the ultimate limits, whether or not you believe.
I didn't have support from those I loved when I was younger, I had to grow up fast and become 'strong' early on in life ... I was alone ALOT. I had to fight battles inside and outside, ALONE. It wasn't that I wasn't loved, it was that others had different priorities in their lives and at those times, I wasn't one.
Do I sit in pity from it today, hell NO!! I embrace it... because it was due to those situations that I became who I am today. It brought me to this moment to share this with you.
It brought me to the realization that when you love someone, you show it. You don't mistreat them, you embrace them. You don't show negativity towards them, you show them love. You don't make them face life without supporting them, you show them you believe. You don't walk away from them when you are upset, you show them that they are worth it. You don't shelter them from the world, you help them gain wings to fly.
" Actions speak louder then words "
Today, I'm given a chance to do everything I wasn't able to get when I was younger. Today, I'm able to show people that they are a priority in my life. Today, I'm able to know when to set boundaries or when to walk away. Today, I'm able to know who to give my time too....
Today -- I realize that priorities are how we set them .. and after I tend to myself and take care of me, there's a few more people that need my help. First and foremost, the first two after myself are my children.They come before anyone, anything or any time I'd give to anyone. They know that today ... I've shown it and I'll continue, even when they don't want me too. For the 'book' says that discipline is a form of love as well as being there with them through everything.
I'm not one to tell anyone what they should do with their time, but I will share this with you :
When someone gives you their time, it's felt in the heart of the person receiving the time. Nothing can take that away. When you give of yourself, unselfishly, you are noticed. It's important to keep your priorities in check and do what you need to take care of yourself.
For me today, my world is my children. Then, and while I raise them, is to share with the world that anything is possible. ANYTHING. Even taking a hard childhood and turning it around 180 degrees and making it a HUGE asset in your life.
"Do for others what you'd like done unto yourself"
Lori J Yokiel - Motivational Speaker

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