I see that I have some catching up to do here!!
Here is goes:
Tuesday -- I did a tempo run on the dreadmill and man oh man .. my legs and body were stiff !! But got through that first mile and BAM -- off I went on the next two miles!! Was sorta shocked at where I am at, but it was neat to see the results...
Thurs -- I did a nice hard 45 min core workout!! Feeling it and hopefully it's going to start paying off sooner then later.
Friday -- TODAY -- Ran the longest I have ever ran in my life. I set it up so that I had to run to a town an back again. It worked out perfect !!! Course I have to say the first 5 to 7 miles were a b!@# as they were windy!! ( 25 MPH ) Yet, the best thing about the run ( other then the confidence I've gained ) was that I RAN to a town I have only EVER driven to !! CRAZY!!!!
Off to Minneota from my grandmothers I went today and it was pretty profound running that, instead of driving. Very invigorating!! It was so awesome!!
Tomorrow -- will be a rest day and Sunday afternoon, I am hoping to get in a nice 6 miler, just to keep the muscles loose.
Hope you are all enjoying your week and have a Fabulous EASTER!!
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