Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lacking MoTOvation

Today I found myself in a bit of a unmotivated attitude!! So, to fix it -- I worked on my blog, hit up my core workout and then some and began to plan for the week ahead :O)

I put the core exercises into place, to remind myself to stretch and to foam roll. This is what I did this evening. I find when I stretch two to three times per day, as well as foam roll, my injuries are less an further apart. So I do believe there is something to the madness of all the facts on these suggestions.

Tomorrow I am going to put in a run. Now, the parenting role seems to play a part in my weekend activities, yet, that will not stand in my way, nor will I allow it to be an excuse to why I do not get in my runs. It's a balancing act, between being a mom, working full time and also getting in the exercise. Yet -- I believe in my temple an that if I do not take care of me an my temple, nor will my children or those around me.

I do hope that the change in the blog is a positive one instead of a negative one. I have been able to add a few things that I watch an also a product that I souly believe in thus far. Hopefully someone else will benefit from Advocare as well as I do.

Onward and Upward, my dearest readers!!

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