Whoa.... major turn of events for the body!!
Last week, I put in a total of 9 miles !! YES -- 9 !! ERRRR.. here's why:
Christmas Eve night, I seem to have come down with a wee bit of a fever and a sore throat. Thinking nothing would come of it, I went to bed and rested. Next day, CHRISTMAS!, I was out with a fever, chills, sore throat, body aches, you name it !! UGH !! And it didn't completely exit the body until today!!
Yesterday, which would total 4 days of that awful bug, I worked out with my trainer and also was adjusted by the Chiro.
Today -- feel like a million bucks!! Pretty great thing, as I am running with Team RED tonight and then on Sunday I am running 15 miles!!
This year for my first day of the year, I thought I would switch it up a wee bit. Instead of doing a 5K, I am going to run 15 miles with a few ladies who have a BQ under their belt ( BQ = Boston Qualifier ). I am excited to begin running more and more with them. For this year, along with having a total of 20 races set aside for my schedule, I am also completely in my first FULL :O)
This is going to be a GREAT year!! Full of success, joy and happiness!!! I feel it in my bones!!
With all that said, I best get my things all done so that I am able to suit up for tonight and enjoy a night with the Team!! !
ONWARD fellow athletes, ONWARD!!!
* If your DREAMS do NOT scare you, they are NOT BIG enough!!! *
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Dec. 21st, 2011
I bet you think I do not exercise anymore the way I blog now a days!! OOOFFTTAA!!! Shame on me !!
Well, this week has been a bit of a trial, getting everything jammed into one week ( Meaning a trip and Christmas ). So needless to say, the exercise fell to the wasteside. UHM .. yep..throw in there a flu and a cold with two sick children. So far this week - one hour of exercise.
It's OK. There has to be a 'down' week. I will get some exercise in this weekend. :O)
Next week we begin more running and back to two to three workouts/day. Have to get in those 1000 cal workouts.
I ran 13.1 miles, to an fro Kasson from Byron, last Sunday and man it was a good run!!! Ran it with two amazing women!! Whom both have qualified for Boston. I am super pumped to run with some new ladies as well as the ones I normally run with !!
Life is amazing with all the running friends and buddies I have gained along the way.
Can not wait to get into some new routines and challenges come the beginning of 2012!!!
Push on dearest friends, Push on!!
Well, this week has been a bit of a trial, getting everything jammed into one week ( Meaning a trip and Christmas ). So needless to say, the exercise fell to the wasteside. UHM .. yep..throw in there a flu and a cold with two sick children. So far this week - one hour of exercise.
It's OK. There has to be a 'down' week. I will get some exercise in this weekend. :O)
Next week we begin more running and back to two to three workouts/day. Have to get in those 1000 cal workouts.
I ran 13.1 miles, to an fro Kasson from Byron, last Sunday and man it was a good run!!! Ran it with two amazing women!! Whom both have qualified for Boston. I am super pumped to run with some new ladies as well as the ones I normally run with !!
Life is amazing with all the running friends and buddies I have gained along the way.
Can not wait to get into some new routines and challenges come the beginning of 2012!!!
Push on dearest friends, Push on!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Dec. 13th, 2011
Hello Again.
Today I am happy to report that I was able to run a hilly 3.5 run in Byron. Felt damn good too!!! Not only that, I did it in less time then I did my first 5K ever :O) This is good stuff right here. Means something is working !! ( If you ask me !! )
While I was out running, I was able to meet up with another Team RED member and say 'Hello' !! It was GREAT to see her smile and even BETTER to see her on the road running!! Always love running into other runners :O)
This past week, I have been able to text my trainer with new changes I have seen in my body. YAY!!!! There are some many different muscles forming different shapes in my body. Man, I am LOVING IT!!!! Makes me want to work harder !!
I am also, currently, working on gaining my personal trainers certificate. I really am not one that enjoys studying, not that I really know anyone that enjoys this task. Yet, I am definitely interested in being able to help others out to do the same as I have and also know that I am telling them the correct things to do with their bodies !!!
This week, has already, been a very interesting one to say the least. None - the - less, I do love the pressure. It keeps me hopping.
Tomorrow, another hard workout, followed by closing out the night with another core workout.
My goals this month are to achieve, 1000 cal workout, 5 to 6 days per week. This entails at least 2 workouts per day at times.
Push on dear friends, Push on!!
Today I am happy to report that I was able to run a hilly 3.5 run in Byron. Felt damn good too!!! Not only that, I did it in less time then I did my first 5K ever :O) This is good stuff right here. Means something is working !! ( If you ask me !! )
While I was out running, I was able to meet up with another Team RED member and say 'Hello' !! It was GREAT to see her smile and even BETTER to see her on the road running!! Always love running into other runners :O)
This past week, I have been able to text my trainer with new changes I have seen in my body. YAY!!!! There are some many different muscles forming different shapes in my body. Man, I am LOVING IT!!!! Makes me want to work harder !!
I am also, currently, working on gaining my personal trainers certificate. I really am not one that enjoys studying, not that I really know anyone that enjoys this task. Yet, I am definitely interested in being able to help others out to do the same as I have and also know that I am telling them the correct things to do with their bodies !!!
This week, has already, been a very interesting one to say the least. None - the - less, I do love the pressure. It keeps me hopping.
Tomorrow, another hard workout, followed by closing out the night with another core workout.
My goals this month are to achieve, 1000 cal workout, 5 to 6 days per week. This entails at least 2 workouts per day at times.
Push on dear friends, Push on!!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
December 8th, 2011
I see that I am behind in blogging... No time like the NOW to get started all over again!!
First things first. The race in Mankato was amazing!! For the first time this year, I PR'd at a half ( this was my fourth !! ). I came in at 1:53 and I am super happy with that time!!
Secondly ( My goals for 2012 ): I am going to shoot for the moon next year and aim for a 1:45. Let's see if this ole body is ready for it. Course, I will train all year long for Mankato - with some extreme training in there for other halves as well.
I have also decided to train for a full. I will do this in May.
My entire goal for halves will be: 3. Making my total halves in my life will be: 10.
I am learning, a little bit here and a little bit there, that all good stuff comes in time. Speed comes in time, not over night. It will take me years to gain speed an momentum. This I am ok with and have accepted. I am just super excited to become stronger and a more well known athlete in the running community!!
I am also working on strengthening all my muscles in my body, to maintain strong runs/races. I am working with my personal trainer, still, and I am currently working out 6 days per week. I, at times, will workout 2 to 3 x's per day.
One other thing that I am working on is gaining my personal trainers certificate. I think it's time to help others and the correct way, all the while doing so in a healthy mannerism and learning as I go :O)
There has been so many things in life this year that have come to me in my journey, called life. I am simply amazed and in awe. I am grateful for all the opportunities and I am working on staying humble.
At the end of the year, I will jot them all down for you to read and share with me.
For tonight -- push on and do all you are able to, to better you !!!
First things first. The race in Mankato was amazing!! For the first time this year, I PR'd at a half ( this was my fourth !! ). I came in at 1:53 and I am super happy with that time!!
Secondly ( My goals for 2012 ): I am going to shoot for the moon next year and aim for a 1:45. Let's see if this ole body is ready for it. Course, I will train all year long for Mankato - with some extreme training in there for other halves as well.
I have also decided to train for a full. I will do this in May.
My entire goal for halves will be: 3. Making my total halves in my life will be: 10.
I am learning, a little bit here and a little bit there, that all good stuff comes in time. Speed comes in time, not over night. It will take me years to gain speed an momentum. This I am ok with and have accepted. I am just super excited to become stronger and a more well known athlete in the running community!!
I am also working on strengthening all my muscles in my body, to maintain strong runs/races. I am working with my personal trainer, still, and I am currently working out 6 days per week. I, at times, will workout 2 to 3 x's per day.
One other thing that I am working on is gaining my personal trainers certificate. I think it's time to help others and the correct way, all the while doing so in a healthy mannerism and learning as I go :O)
There has been so many things in life this year that have come to me in my journey, called life. I am simply amazed and in awe. I am grateful for all the opportunities and I am working on staying humble.
At the end of the year, I will jot them all down for you to read and share with me.
For tonight -- push on and do all you are able to, to better you !!!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Oct 2nd 2011
Today was a long run day. Ooofftaa ..my feet are a bit tired and screaming at me. I do believe it is because yesterday I ran my first 10K and did extremely well, for a girl like me:
Then we went to the MOA and walked around a bit there -- all of us were plum tired.
My friend Val is beginning to get into the running scene as well, and she also completed her first 10K!!!
There has been lots that have happened since I last posted. Alot of training -- which I believe is now paying off!!!
On Sunday, Oct 9th @ 2 pm @ the RAC, I will share my weight loss story with whomever wishes to hear it. As well as my sponsorship and all the love and support that has surrounded me for the past few years. We shall see how this pans out and how well I do. It's been a dream of mine, forever, to inspire and motivate others in living a different way of life and this is what I am thinking I am being led through. Yet, it is a different way then I ever imagined it would be.
Anyways, I need to get some rest for I am super tired and training is not yet over!!!
Oct. 22nd, the half that I have trained for ALL year is approaching!! Mankato Mn !!
To bed I go -- push on dear friends, push on!!
50:31!!! 14/162 age group - 67/944 overall females - 273/1476 overall
Then we went to the MOA and walked around a bit there -- all of us were plum tired.
My friend Val is beginning to get into the running scene as well, and she also completed her first 10K!!!
There has been lots that have happened since I last posted. Alot of training -- which I believe is now paying off!!!
On Sunday, Oct 9th @ 2 pm @ the RAC, I will share my weight loss story with whomever wishes to hear it. As well as my sponsorship and all the love and support that has surrounded me for the past few years. We shall see how this pans out and how well I do. It's been a dream of mine, forever, to inspire and motivate others in living a different way of life and this is what I am thinking I am being led through. Yet, it is a different way then I ever imagined it would be.
Anyways, I need to get some rest for I am super tired and training is not yet over!!!
Oct. 22nd, the half that I have trained for ALL year is approaching!! Mankato Mn !!
To bed I go -- push on dear friends, push on!!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sept 18th, 2011
Today was long run day : 11 miles in 1:43
I do not think that was soo shabby. Pretty happy that I was able to get that in ..would have liked to have 13 in, yet, I had to get back to the children. Priorities, Priorities.
I have been thinking of all the running that I have achieved this year. It seems that even through being a single mom, working a full time job, volunteering and racing the training portion was just put in.
It's not about excuses for me anymore, it's about : How am I going to get these miles in?
It's not about the lack of motivation for me anymore, it's about: How am I able to motivate others?
It's not about who's running where for me anymore, it's about: Who would like to join me? ( else I run alone )
Running has become another passion for me. Some understand, some do not. It's a new way of life for me that I have integrated into my schedule and my journey here on earth. It's a part of whom I am now. When I go out, people hear my voice and recognize that sound ( they do not recognize me all dressed, for I am usually in running clothes ). It's a new social life for me. It's about sharing my new found passion with others.
Here's a blurp that is in the local newspaper:
I am able to share my story on Oct. 9th at 2PM at the RAC in Rochester MN.
I am super excited and hopefully someone will come to hear me and possibly, just possibly, walk away interested in changing their lives as well.
Today that is where it's at.
Hopefully you are enjoying the fall weather and are contemplating a 'run' or a 'workout' of some type today or this week and then, even better yet, following through and completing it !!!
Push on Dear Readers, Push on!!
I do not think that was soo shabby. Pretty happy that I was able to get that in ..would have liked to have 13 in, yet, I had to get back to the children. Priorities, Priorities.
I have been thinking of all the running that I have achieved this year. It seems that even through being a single mom, working a full time job, volunteering and racing the training portion was just put in.
It's not about excuses for me anymore, it's about : How am I going to get these miles in?
It's not about the lack of motivation for me anymore, it's about: How am I able to motivate others?
It's not about who's running where for me anymore, it's about: Who would like to join me? ( else I run alone )
Running has become another passion for me. Some understand, some do not. It's a new way of life for me that I have integrated into my schedule and my journey here on earth. It's a part of whom I am now. When I go out, people hear my voice and recognize that sound ( they do not recognize me all dressed, for I am usually in running clothes ). It's a new social life for me. It's about sharing my new found passion with others.
Here's a blurp that is in the local newspaper:
After finding herself in misery, discontentment and the worst she felt in years,as well as losing nearly all that her life contained, Lori decided to begin working on her outsides. After hiring a personal trainer and learning about nutrition, beginning in '08, she has now not only dropped 60 lbs, 40 inches and 15% Body Fat she has also obtained sponsorship through MARATHON® Bars. Please join us while she shares how she accomplished all of these amazing achievements!!
I am able to share my story on Oct. 9th at 2PM at the RAC in Rochester MN.
I am super excited and hopefully someone will come to hear me and possibly, just possibly, walk away interested in changing their lives as well.
Today that is where it's at.
Hopefully you are enjoying the fall weather and are contemplating a 'run' or a 'workout' of some type today or this week and then, even better yet, following through and completing it !!!
Push on Dear Readers, Push on!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Sept. 13th, 2011
Well, I was going to do a cross training day, yet it turned out where I utilized my time for promoting the event put together to share my experience.
Life Changing Story through Fitness
October 9th @ 2PM
Rochester Athletic Club
I have now sent it to all the media around. Hopefully there will be some press releases accepted!! I am super excited -- for I have one hit on the Post Bulletin!!
Training is in full swing!! Tomorrow is track day. Here's the schedule:
Monday - Tempo
Tues - Cross Train
Wed - Track
Thurs - Team RED and Core workout
Friday- Base/Hill Run
Sat/Sun - Long run ( or races )
I am up to 11 miles for the long run - hopefully that Mankato half will be a BREEZE this time and I will pull in some GREAT Times on it !!
The last 5K that I ran was this past Saturday. The course was a bit longer, but I utilized my Garmin and clocked it at : 24:54 :O) A PR!!! YAY!!! I am awaiting final results -- for they had things a little messed up so they are 'fixing' them. Not sure what they will show, but depending on the Garmin may be what I go off of for this one.
Thought I would drop in, since life seems to throw me off and I do not visit the 'blogging' as much as I would like -- yet -- here's the latest and greatest updates.
Push on dear friends -- Push on!!
Well, I was going to do a cross training day, yet it turned out where I utilized my time for promoting the event put together to share my experience.
Life Changing Story through Fitness
October 9th @ 2PM
Rochester Athletic Club
I have now sent it to all the media around. Hopefully there will be some press releases accepted!! I am super excited -- for I have one hit on the Post Bulletin!!
Training is in full swing!! Tomorrow is track day. Here's the schedule:
Monday - Tempo
Tues - Cross Train
Wed - Track
Thurs - Team RED and Core workout
Friday- Base/Hill Run
Sat/Sun - Long run ( or races )
I am up to 11 miles for the long run - hopefully that Mankato half will be a BREEZE this time and I will pull in some GREAT Times on it !!
The last 5K that I ran was this past Saturday. The course was a bit longer, but I utilized my Garmin and clocked it at : 24:54 :O) A PR!!! YAY!!! I am awaiting final results -- for they had things a little messed up so they are 'fixing' them. Not sure what they will show, but depending on the Garmin may be what I go off of for this one.
Thought I would drop in, since life seems to throw me off and I do not visit the 'blogging' as much as I would like -- yet -- here's the latest and greatest updates.
Push on dear friends -- Push on!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
August 18th, 2011
Van leaves at 4 am tomorrow morning!! I am a bit excited/nervous/anxious/all of the above and then some!! As I have never ran Ragnar before, so this will definitely be a new experience for me. Not that I am not a strong runner or an experienced one, I think I a little of each, yet I am hoping to not let my team down.
Send positives vibes to all of us out there running!!
Till I report again !!
Push on dearest readers, push on!!
Van leaves at 4 am tomorrow morning!! I am a bit excited/nervous/anxious/all of the above and then some!! As I have never ran Ragnar before, so this will definitely be a new experience for me. Not that I am not a strong runner or an experienced one, I think I a little of each, yet I am hoping to not let my team down.
Send positives vibes to all of us out there running!!
Till I report again !!
Push on dearest readers, push on!!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
August 13th, 2011
After some self examination, a 5K PR ( 25:19 ), and some crabbiness and tired body parts, its time for a much needed break.
I am not able to get excited about my times.
I am not able to get to sleep at night.
I am not eating ( where I should be consuming enough to feed a horse ).
I am crabby and snapping.
I am now over-training.
Its' time for a break.
I have Ragnar coming up and I do not want to disappoint those that are running it. So, for them and for myself, I am going to give up the exercise/running until at least Wed of next week.
The temple is the body. One needs to keep it in balance. The balance is off, feed the correct side to balance it out. Time for some sunshine to shine in and allow the clouds to vanish.
Pushing it is a good thing, OVER doing it is NOT!!
Goodnight dearest friends!!
I am not able to get excited about my times.
I am not able to get to sleep at night.
I am not eating ( where I should be consuming enough to feed a horse ).
I am crabby and snapping.
I am now over-training.
Its' time for a break.
I have Ragnar coming up and I do not want to disappoint those that are running it. So, for them and for myself, I am going to give up the exercise/running until at least Wed of next week.
The temple is the body. One needs to keep it in balance. The balance is off, feed the correct side to balance it out. Time for some sunshine to shine in and allow the clouds to vanish.
Pushing it is a good thing, OVER doing it is NOT!!
Goodnight dearest friends!!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
August 4th, 2011 ( NEW LIFE!! )
A new life.
That's what I have today. A new life compared to a decade ago. A decade ago, I was married and very excited to look a new way of life with a husband, purchasing our own home and beginning a new life.
Today -- I am divorced, with two children and only own one vehicle and a few items in our home. Yet I am the happiest I have been in over 2 decades!! I am not only the happiest, I am also the healthiest I have ever been in my ENTIRE life of 35 yrs here on this earth.
Yesterday I was able to run with some of the neatest people I have been able to meet and get to know over the past few years. We all were at the track, pushing ourselves to our own limits and still smiling knowing that all that sweat and fatigued was well worth it and will all be well utilized in our upcoming races !!
My daughter asked me today -- why do all your friends run, mom?? Simple, I said: I chose them as my friends. I had to start over around 3 yrs ago, new friends, new playgrounds an so I chose running friends. Now I have a few that are super close, and I am learning a completely new way of life!! A new way that has impacted not only myself, my children, but also some of my very close friends!!
Life is GREAT today!!! Sure there are some bumps, yet, NOTHING - absolutely NOTHING that will not be faced and taken care of in a mature, responsible, productive way !!
Push on Dear friends, PUSH ON!!
That's what I have today. A new life compared to a decade ago. A decade ago, I was married and very excited to look a new way of life with a husband, purchasing our own home and beginning a new life.
Today -- I am divorced, with two children and only own one vehicle and a few items in our home. Yet I am the happiest I have been in over 2 decades!! I am not only the happiest, I am also the healthiest I have ever been in my ENTIRE life of 35 yrs here on this earth.
Yesterday I was able to run with some of the neatest people I have been able to meet and get to know over the past few years. We all were at the track, pushing ourselves to our own limits and still smiling knowing that all that sweat and fatigued was well worth it and will all be well utilized in our upcoming races !!
My daughter asked me today -- why do all your friends run, mom?? Simple, I said: I chose them as my friends. I had to start over around 3 yrs ago, new friends, new playgrounds an so I chose running friends. Now I have a few that are super close, and I am learning a completely new way of life!! A new way that has impacted not only myself, my children, but also some of my very close friends!!
Life is GREAT today!!! Sure there are some bumps, yet, NOTHING - absolutely NOTHING that will not be faced and taken care of in a mature, responsible, productive way !!
Push on Dear friends, PUSH ON!!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Quick one before July 2011 ends!!
What a GREAT training week!! Holy Hannah -- Woo man says: You need run more. Well, I did just that !!
Plugged in 35.5 miles this week!! AND lost alot of sweat!!
How amazing it is becoming to have the runners around me, or people that are willing to learn how to run!! How amazing it is that I am able to help someone out to achieve a goal!! How amazing it is to be able to juggle it all and still come out ahead of this silly thing called LIFE!!
My shin was bothering me, then my calf. Today -- we are GOOD TO GO!! Lets do it all over next week???
Ragnar is coming up on us !! HOLY cow -- yet, it is just a simple 20 some miles if you put it all together, thats really nothing!!
All I have today, is that I am DAMN proud of all my friends that are putting in miles this week, in this heat. I am proud of them for all that they are accomplishing, amongst life fighting it!!
Today -- I am truly GRATEFUL !!! I am grateful for those that support me in my exercise and life.
The opportunities that await are ENDLESS!!! Until I put forth the energy, footwork and persistence to follow through, will I only see them !! ONWARD I Say !! ONWARD!!!
* Have a great afternoon/week!! *
Plugged in 35.5 miles this week!! AND lost alot of sweat!!
How amazing it is becoming to have the runners around me, or people that are willing to learn how to run!! How amazing it is that I am able to help someone out to achieve a goal!! How amazing it is to be able to juggle it all and still come out ahead of this silly thing called LIFE!!
My shin was bothering me, then my calf. Today -- we are GOOD TO GO!! Lets do it all over next week???
Ragnar is coming up on us !! HOLY cow -- yet, it is just a simple 20 some miles if you put it all together, thats really nothing!!
All I have today, is that I am DAMN proud of all my friends that are putting in miles this week, in this heat. I am proud of them for all that they are accomplishing, amongst life fighting it!!
Today -- I am truly GRATEFUL !!! I am grateful for those that support me in my exercise and life.
The opportunities that await are ENDLESS!!! Until I put forth the energy, footwork and persistence to follow through, will I only see them !! ONWARD I Say !! ONWARD!!!
* Have a great afternoon/week!! *
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
July 2011, twice this month !!

Today I am a little bit famous. HA -- made the papers with a photo that was shot this past weekend at the Warriors Dash MN. How funny is this little teaser for today's press release ??
Warriors Dash is a total MUST if you have not yet participated!! It was a little bit of a challenge, with ALOT of fun!!! I may be an exercise FREAK -- but I am more into FUN then just the challenges!!
This week we continue on with the training. Trying to work my way up to around 30 miles, all the while strengthening the muscles so that I will be able to pull in a PR in October!! Yesterday was a solid tempo!! Today -- it will be a solid workout and run.
Only way to get to where your going is to do the footwork!! Well, this is what it is all about.... run, run, strengthen, run more... in order to hit that PR and finish that next race :O)
Push on dear friends, Push on and challenge yourself!!!
Until till next time!!
( Enjoy the pic and chuckle -- I have NOT felt that FREE and fulfill in YEARS!! What a super event !! Also enjoyed by Team R.E.D. - http://byronteamred.blogspot.com/ - with 65 members in attendance!! )
Friday, July 22, 2011
July 2011
Today is the day we pack up to go camping - the day before the warriors dash in MN!! What an exciting adventure this will be!!! This is something that I have never done before, so lets see if I enjoy obstacle courses :O) ( I definitely do not enjoy camping!! But for the children I will do damn near anything!! )
The training is back in full swing!! Last night I was able to kick out a 9 miler -- with the help of my running group and friend Angie, pulling me through the last few miles. I think the heat has gotten the best of me this week, for I hit the track hard on Wed. night as well. I also had a training/workout with my awesome Trainer ( Sherry Sonnenberg )!!!
Sometimes life seems to get soo full, yet, where are my priorities ?? Well, my first and foremost priority is myself and keeping me in full swing. This entails, my connection with my higher power, my meetings and my running/exercise. Then, comes my children. After this, my career. Just seems that one thing after another gets thrown in there and then it all needs to be re-balanced. Yet, this is what makes it all worth it!!!
Time to pack that cooler, get that mattress an grab that tent!!
I will post some pics after the Warriors Dash, so that you have something to chuckle about.
Until then -- push on dearest readers -- push on!!
The training is back in full swing!! Last night I was able to kick out a 9 miler -- with the help of my running group and friend Angie, pulling me through the last few miles. I think the heat has gotten the best of me this week, for I hit the track hard on Wed. night as well. I also had a training/workout with my awesome Trainer ( Sherry Sonnenberg )!!!
Sometimes life seems to get soo full, yet, where are my priorities ?? Well, my first and foremost priority is myself and keeping me in full swing. This entails, my connection with my higher power, my meetings and my running/exercise. Then, comes my children. After this, my career. Just seems that one thing after another gets thrown in there and then it all needs to be re-balanced. Yet, this is what makes it all worth it!!!
Time to pack that cooler, get that mattress an grab that tent!!
I will post some pics after the Warriors Dash, so that you have something to chuckle about.
Until then -- push on dearest readers -- push on!!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
June 2011
Life got away from me, yet, again. My blogging has not been the best.
In June I was so very grateful to endure an AMAZING half marathon ran in Seattle, WA. The Rock an Roll one. I say grateful, as it was and until this day, stands as my STRONGEST Half yet :O)
Why was it the strongest: Not because I PR'd, because I did not. I came in with a 1:59:22 finish time, which is less then one min faster then my PR. It was the strongest, due to the fact that I was not winded, completely drained and felt like flying afterwards. I crossed the finish line with more energy, even would have been willing to get up and go again.
With this type of finish, I realize that my body is beginning to condition to the depth's of running I am now putting it through. It is able to endure the workouts that I have put in front of me. It is also able to do more :O)
So with saying all this, I have a week into my next training program. Gearing up for Mankato in the Fall. I will also complete a few smaller races from between now and then. I will try to complete a 5K every month until then, along with the Warriors Dash in July, Ragnar in August and what else will fall in my lap.
I am not a 'fast' runner, yet I am becoming a stronger one and for that I am super excited and happy :O) Good things come in good time :O) And one other thing that I need to mention is that I have maintained to keep the weight and inches off that I have lost over the past 3 yrs of exercise. I will be looking for more of a nutritional plan, as I am beefing up miles/workouts now. So, hopefully I will see even more results.
Today -- I work on my temple, for within my body lies my soul. If I do not tend to the body, the soul will not be whole :O)
Hugs to you all and PUSH ON PUSH ON!!
In June I was so very grateful to endure an AMAZING half marathon ran in Seattle, WA. The Rock an Roll one. I say grateful, as it was and until this day, stands as my STRONGEST Half yet :O)
Why was it the strongest: Not because I PR'd, because I did not. I came in with a 1:59:22 finish time, which is less then one min faster then my PR. It was the strongest, due to the fact that I was not winded, completely drained and felt like flying afterwards. I crossed the finish line with more energy, even would have been willing to get up and go again.
With this type of finish, I realize that my body is beginning to condition to the depth's of running I am now putting it through. It is able to endure the workouts that I have put in front of me. It is also able to do more :O)
So with saying all this, I have a week into my next training program. Gearing up for Mankato in the Fall. I will also complete a few smaller races from between now and then. I will try to complete a 5K every month until then, along with the Warriors Dash in July, Ragnar in August and what else will fall in my lap.
I am not a 'fast' runner, yet I am becoming a stronger one and for that I am super excited and happy :O) Good things come in good time :O) And one other thing that I need to mention is that I have maintained to keep the weight and inches off that I have lost over the past 3 yrs of exercise. I will be looking for more of a nutritional plan, as I am beefing up miles/workouts now. So, hopefully I will see even more results.
Today -- I work on my temple, for within my body lies my soul. If I do not tend to the body, the soul will not be whole :O)
Hugs to you all and PUSH ON PUSH ON!!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Life on Life's Terms - June 19th, 2011
Dearest Readers,
Today I was able to endure the humidity, hills and track work out. This will be my last long, hard run before next Saturday !!! SEATTLE here I come!
I was very happy with my workout today, as it was a bit warmer and yet I was still able to blow off quite a bit of steam. It was very calming to run at my fastest on the track and also be able to kick it up the hills, without stopping !!!
Life throws many things at you, and I am realizing, its really all about acceptance. As well as, perspective. Today is a good day. The feelings come and go -- but running -- makes is all worth it!!
Push on Dearest Friends, Push on !!
Today I was able to endure the humidity, hills and track work out. This will be my last long, hard run before next Saturday !!! SEATTLE here I come!
I was very happy with my workout today, as it was a bit warmer and yet I was still able to blow off quite a bit of steam. It was very calming to run at my fastest on the track and also be able to kick it up the hills, without stopping !!!
Life throws many things at you, and I am realizing, its really all about acceptance. As well as, perspective. Today is a good day. The feelings come and go -- but running -- makes is all worth it!!
Push on Dearest Friends, Push on !!
Monday, June 13, 2011
June 13th, 2011
A week from today I will be packing up the gear, clothes and sanity ( I hope ) to fly out to Seattle to visit with my sister, long time friend and RUN MY ARS off in the Rock N Roll Seattle Half!!
Today, I was able to tackle a bit over 5 miles. My hip flexor is buggin, I do believe it is due to the fact that my knees are bothering me. So things are adjusting to make due. Good thing it is a taper week :O) Take it a bit easy so that when the 25th hits I GO REALLY FAST !!
I have not been 'feeling' the running bug inside me, which is sad, for I am now sponsored. I need to hit a PR or something so that I can feel it again. I am sure, when the time is right so will the paces. In due time ....
Tomorrow I face something that I have dreaded for some time now, a divorce finalization.
I have set up time with my running partner, Angie. We will run. How far, no idea at this point. I am just planning on running and feeling and spending time with those that love me.
Hopefully I will be back tomorrow to report I ran to Texas and back again.....
Push on Dear friends, Push on!!
Today, I was able to tackle a bit over 5 miles. My hip flexor is buggin, I do believe it is due to the fact that my knees are bothering me. So things are adjusting to make due. Good thing it is a taper week :O) Take it a bit easy so that when the 25th hits I GO REALLY FAST !!
I have not been 'feeling' the running bug inside me, which is sad, for I am now sponsored. I need to hit a PR or something so that I can feel it again. I am sure, when the time is right so will the paces. In due time ....
Tomorrow I face something that I have dreaded for some time now, a divorce finalization.
I have set up time with my running partner, Angie. We will run. How far, no idea at this point. I am just planning on running and feeling and spending time with those that love me.
Hopefully I will be back tomorrow to report I ran to Texas and back again.....
Push on Dear friends, Push on!!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
June 5th, 2011
Noticing that I have not blogged in some time -- I figure it's due time I begin once again.
Since my previous blog, life happened. Seems that it does that, at times. Where it pulls me from this way to that. The important thing, is that I do not allow it to 'mess' me up .... or if I feel it tugging a bit from this side to the next, I make sure that I listen to the signs and take care of me.
There were a few deaths that I had to mourn an work through, on top of the single parenting trials that come along with life...running was there, just not as prominent as I would have liked. Yet, the exercise did not leave me or my life, for without it I am no longer whole. Its now a piece of me. Its a part of who I have become. Its an outlet for me and my HP. A place where I can go and enjoy the time and the silence, from the noise life makes.
That puts into perspective where I am today, yet, I need to share with you the good as well as the hardships. Lets start with the races that I have put forth the past few weeks.
Med City Half -->> 2:05
This was to be a training run for me and a training run it was. I was extremely angry with myself around mile 8, as I pushed myself too hard through the hills and hit a 'wall'. I am working with my trainer to include alot more endurance training so that I will not hit the 'wall' in this spot again. This was by far the angriest I have ever been during a race. Yet, I need to remind myself of the goodness and positives: I finished and didn't give up. I learned from it and I am able to change things. I completed another half marathon. It was a strong run.
4th Annual Hayfield Fire Dept 5K -->> 25:18 ( Placed 3rd out of the women )
This was not a PR, dang close, yet not one. It was, however, faster then what I ran this one last year :O) SO -- again -- positives!! Another huge positive was: I placed :O)
Those are the most recent races. Not my fastest, yet, I feel I was strong and that I am able to learn from them and move on. Do better. Run faster. Run stronger. Feel more confident.
The pyramids were not built over night, nor will my paces be. I need to remember that. Not beat up on myself and live life to the fullest. That would include NOT beating myself up!!!
Another positive, I was accepted to be sponsored !!!!! I was a bit surprised, yet, I am definitely enjoying it !!!! They have a totally different world, that I didn't realize was out there. I am was suggested to try for it and it actually happened. This has sparked another fire within me. So, I have alot to work towards.
My next race, is on the 25th of June. I am flying out to Seattle to run in the Rock N Roll Half :O) My good friend, Sharyce, is running her first one!!! YAY!!! I am sooo excited!!
People are noticing how this works, the running, and they are excited to join me !! I had a good friend run her first one today !! She ROCKED !! I am very proud of her!! How cool it is to give away something and have it soo well received !! ( The running Bug !! )
I better sleep for tomorrow is a long run -- I am going to push for 10 to 11 miles.
G'night my dear readers!!
Since my previous blog, life happened. Seems that it does that, at times. Where it pulls me from this way to that. The important thing, is that I do not allow it to 'mess' me up .... or if I feel it tugging a bit from this side to the next, I make sure that I listen to the signs and take care of me.
There were a few deaths that I had to mourn an work through, on top of the single parenting trials that come along with life...running was there, just not as prominent as I would have liked. Yet, the exercise did not leave me or my life, for without it I am no longer whole. Its now a piece of me. Its a part of who I have become. Its an outlet for me and my HP. A place where I can go and enjoy the time and the silence, from the noise life makes.
That puts into perspective where I am today, yet, I need to share with you the good as well as the hardships. Lets start with the races that I have put forth the past few weeks.
Med City Half -->> 2:05
This was to be a training run for me and a training run it was. I was extremely angry with myself around mile 8, as I pushed myself too hard through the hills and hit a 'wall'. I am working with my trainer to include alot more endurance training so that I will not hit the 'wall' in this spot again. This was by far the angriest I have ever been during a race. Yet, I need to remind myself of the goodness and positives: I finished and didn't give up. I learned from it and I am able to change things. I completed another half marathon. It was a strong run.
4th Annual Hayfield Fire Dept 5K -->> 25:18 ( Placed 3rd out of the women )
This was not a PR, dang close, yet not one. It was, however, faster then what I ran this one last year :O) SO -- again -- positives!! Another huge positive was: I placed :O)
Those are the most recent races. Not my fastest, yet, I feel I was strong and that I am able to learn from them and move on. Do better. Run faster. Run stronger. Feel more confident.
The pyramids were not built over night, nor will my paces be. I need to remember that. Not beat up on myself and live life to the fullest. That would include NOT beating myself up!!!
Another positive, I was accepted to be sponsored !!!!! I was a bit surprised, yet, I am definitely enjoying it !!!! They have a totally different world, that I didn't realize was out there. I am was suggested to try for it and it actually happened. This has sparked another fire within me. So, I have alot to work towards.
My next race, is on the 25th of June. I am flying out to Seattle to run in the Rock N Roll Half :O) My good friend, Sharyce, is running her first one!!! YAY!!! I am sooo excited!!
People are noticing how this works, the running, and they are excited to join me !! I had a good friend run her first one today !! She ROCKED !! I am very proud of her!! How cool it is to give away something and have it soo well received !! ( The running Bug !! )
I better sleep for tomorrow is a long run -- I am going to push for 10 to 11 miles.
G'night my dear readers!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
May 18th, 2011
I was able to put in a total of over 4 miles on the track tonight ( this includes warmup/cooldown ) and it felt pretty good, needed some solid recovery, yet I did it. Of course, the little ones were near so I was not as aggressive an felt the need to leave a bit earlier then normal.
It was nice to see fellow Team RED Members out there. Yet, a few were missed.
The last week has been a rough one for many Team RED members as well as the family members, of a dear running friend, Paul Melby. He passed after collapsing after he ran his fastest ever, during a full marathon. He PR'd by 24 min.s and also qualified for Boston. That is what has helped the past week, during runs. Knowing that he would want us to celebrate his achievements. Yet, it is very difficult to think of the family that was deeply touched by his presence.
There is information on his services on the Team RED Blog:
If you could be so kind and keep his family and friends in your thoughts. As the wonderful wife, Shelly and his three beautiful children will surely need it. AS well as our support and love in the near coming future, if not now as well.
Keep on Keeping on dearest Readers....
It was nice to see fellow Team RED Members out there. Yet, a few were missed.
The last week has been a rough one for many Team RED members as well as the family members, of a dear running friend, Paul Melby. He passed after collapsing after he ran his fastest ever, during a full marathon. He PR'd by 24 min.s and also qualified for Boston. That is what has helped the past week, during runs. Knowing that he would want us to celebrate his achievements. Yet, it is very difficult to think of the family that was deeply touched by his presence.
There is information on his services on the Team RED Blog:
If you could be so kind and keep his family and friends in your thoughts. As the wonderful wife, Shelly and his three beautiful children will surely need it. AS well as our support and love in the near coming future, if not now as well.
Keep on Keeping on dearest Readers....
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
May 4th, 2011 ( SWEAT! )
( Yes, I know I am posting this one May 5th, goofy :O) )
Tonight is track and I am debatting, after alot of different feelings went through my soul this morning, a short run and a hard core workout. Yet, I am going to recap what I did yesterday for a workout and then we will see how much I visit my blog this week.
I was able to kick it for 3.1Miles in the humidity. Man, I do not believe I have sweated this much since last year, in one day !! OOFTAA ...
I figured it was so worth it as I need to get ready for Ragnar and running in the humidity could be the name of the game ( period )!!
The only way to prepare for the goal that you have set: TRAIN/PRACTICE/REPEAT!!!
Hydration is much of a things now a days as well as working on the right food and nutrition. I am working on this and also I am going to look into more information on this. ( It is not that I do not have the info at my fingertips, it is taking the time to soak it up )
Time -- I sometimes wonder where will I fit this in, that in, etc .. it comes down to prioritizing. What is most important to you? For me: Its my HP ( higher power ), My sanity ( program/exercising ), My children, My family/friends, My career and then anything below this.... now to maintain that takes alot of organizing..yet, if I LET the first 2 go -- I lose what I have in front of me!!!
Push on dearest friends, Push on !!!
Tonight is track and I am debatting, after alot of different feelings went through my soul this morning, a short run and a hard core workout. Yet, I am going to recap what I did yesterday for a workout and then we will see how much I visit my blog this week.
I was able to kick it for 3.1Miles in the humidity. Man, I do not believe I have sweated this much since last year, in one day !! OOFTAA ...
I figured it was so worth it as I need to get ready for Ragnar and running in the humidity could be the name of the game ( period )!!
The only way to prepare for the goal that you have set: TRAIN/PRACTICE/REPEAT!!!
Hydration is much of a things now a days as well as working on the right food and nutrition. I am working on this and also I am going to look into more information on this. ( It is not that I do not have the info at my fingertips, it is taking the time to soak it up )
Time -- I sometimes wonder where will I fit this in, that in, etc .. it comes down to prioritizing. What is most important to you? For me: Its my HP ( higher power ), My sanity ( program/exercising ), My children, My family/friends, My career and then anything below this.... now to maintain that takes alot of organizing..yet, if I LET the first 2 go -- I lose what I have in front of me!!!
Push on dearest friends, Push on !!!
Friday, May 6, 2011
May 6th, 2011
Wow -- where does the time go ?? Not so sure, as here it is May and I am behind on blogging...ugh!!
Eitherway, Not behind on the running!!!
I was able to do 16 miles on my 16 years of sobriety --found that to be a GREAT Milestone on a milestone. For that was the farthest that I have ever ran in my life at one time!! Yay me!! And to top it off, I brought it in at 10 min/mile avg :O) I am very happy with that....
Since then I have ran around 5 to 6 day per week and brought in long runs around 14.5 and planning on another tomorrow at 15 miles.
I just came home from a 5 miler -- 44 min -->> BAM !!!!
That rocked my socks off !!!
Well, time to go !! Friend is here and time to get ready to go !!
Push on dearest friends, push on!!
Eitherway, Not behind on the running!!!
I was able to do 16 miles on my 16 years of sobriety --found that to be a GREAT Milestone on a milestone. For that was the farthest that I have ever ran in my life at one time!! Yay me!! And to top it off, I brought it in at 10 min/mile avg :O) I am very happy with that....
Since then I have ran around 5 to 6 day per week and brought in long runs around 14.5 and planning on another tomorrow at 15 miles.
I just came home from a 5 miler -- 44 min -->> BAM !!!!
That rocked my socks off !!!
Well, time to go !! Friend is here and time to get ready to go !!
Push on dearest friends, push on!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
April 21st, 2011
Good Day to you !!!
I see that I have been failing to log in and update my blog!! I need to begin this again, for there is stuff going on !!!
Yesterday -- hit the track and had some amazing times, even though I was a bit tired. Had some GREAT company out there, during the hail, rain and wind!! ROCK ON TEAM RED!!!
Tomorrow I am going to run 16 miles on my 16 yr sobriety date!! It is the longest I have ever ran before !!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE -->> A milestone on A milestone!!! What a better way to celebrate!! ( Other then a party and getting my medallion with those that I love !! )
Hope you are all pushing !! Keep up the work, if you are, if not -- GET AT IT !!! You can always look me up and I will help ya out!!! We are all unified in one way or another -- let's just make it another connection ( exercise !! )
Have a GREAT Sunshine DAY!!!
I see that I have been failing to log in and update my blog!! I need to begin this again, for there is stuff going on !!!
Yesterday -- hit the track and had some amazing times, even though I was a bit tired. Had some GREAT company out there, during the hail, rain and wind!! ROCK ON TEAM RED!!!
Tomorrow I am going to run 16 miles on my 16 yr sobriety date!! It is the longest I have ever ran before !!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE -->> A milestone on A milestone!!! What a better way to celebrate!! ( Other then a party and getting my medallion with those that I love !! )
Hope you are all pushing !! Keep up the work, if you are, if not -- GET AT IT !!! You can always look me up and I will help ya out!!! We are all unified in one way or another -- let's just make it another connection ( exercise !! )
Have a GREAT Sunshine DAY!!!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
April 7th, 2011
Whooooo hoooo hooo -- it's race season!!
Races here and there and everywhere !!
This weekend I will observe the Fetzer Race - so that I can get a feel on what is going to occur the following Saturday for the SEMYO Race. Wheeee .. There is definitely some overwhelment that is hitting me = yet= just do it !! Either it works or it doesn't - either I enjoy it or I do not. It's really that simple!!
Last night was track work. It was OK. I was a bit tired. I do believe that Fool's Five took it outta me, last weekend. That's OK. No reason to get off the wagon when you just need to go at it slow!! I did 8 reps of my 400M repeats .. .hitting em at a good pace w the fatigue showing.
Tonight is the 8 miler that I will help a good friend, Angie, get through. She is training for Med City.
Did I mention that I am crazy ??? Yep -- definitely soo!! I signed up for RAGNAR. Not only signed up for it -- I am runner 5. WTH was I thinking ???? Not to sure, but it's done now..so all I have to do is complete it and follow through with the training. EZ PZ right ??? HA !!!
This year is going to be the best year of my life, I do forsee!! 35 yrs old - 16 yrs clean and sober - running like a mad woman ... ROCK ON !!
Push on Dear Friends, Push ON!!
Races here and there and everywhere !!
This weekend I will observe the Fetzer Race - so that I can get a feel on what is going to occur the following Saturday for the SEMYO Race. Wheeee .. There is definitely some overwhelment that is hitting me = yet= just do it !! Either it works or it doesn't - either I enjoy it or I do not. It's really that simple!!
Last night was track work. It was OK. I was a bit tired. I do believe that Fool's Five took it outta me, last weekend. That's OK. No reason to get off the wagon when you just need to go at it slow!! I did 8 reps of my 400M repeats .. .hitting em at a good pace w the fatigue showing.
Tonight is the 8 miler that I will help a good friend, Angie, get through. She is training for Med City.
Did I mention that I am crazy ??? Yep -- definitely soo!! I signed up for RAGNAR. Not only signed up for it -- I am runner 5. WTH was I thinking ???? Not to sure, but it's done now..so all I have to do is complete it and follow through with the training. EZ PZ right ??? HA !!!
This year is going to be the best year of my life, I do forsee!! 35 yrs old - 16 yrs clean and sober - running like a mad woman ... ROCK ON !!
Push on Dear Friends, Push ON!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
April 4th, 2011
What a fabulous start to a FANTASTIC month!!!!
Yesterday, ran Fool's Five in Lewiston.
8K = 39.21 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Super excited and proud of my time. I am extremely happy with these results, for it is still very early in my training and I am on a good start for a great year. I need to remember, listen to my body, and do my stretches!!
It was kinda funny, about the race yesterday. I came in thinking I had around 43 min as that is what my garmin was showing, even though my garmin has been a bit off lately, in the past few months. I was cool with that time, considering it is so early in the training program for Seattle and it was a strong finish, as I was not winded in the end!! Then last night I read the results and was FULL of excitement!! ( 9 pm mind you!! ) I also realized that I was 4th in my age group!!! WHEEEEEE .. very happy !!!
Another opportunity also arose in front of me this past weekend -- RAGNAR!!! OMGosh .. here we go -- and I thought about it, prayed and realized, it was a good weekend, in between races!! Then, when I was asked, I was told, eh -- the leg your signing up for would be not so bad - RIGHT!!!! The hardest freakin one!!!! ( leg 5 -- 21.8 Mi!! ) Well, I am in and now I will need to train hard !!!
Here come 35 !!!
Push on dear friends, push on!!
Yesterday, ran Fool's Five in Lewiston.
8K = 39.21 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Super excited and proud of my time. I am extremely happy with these results, for it is still very early in my training and I am on a good start for a great year. I need to remember, listen to my body, and do my stretches!!
It was kinda funny, about the race yesterday. I came in thinking I had around 43 min as that is what my garmin was showing, even though my garmin has been a bit off lately, in the past few months. I was cool with that time, considering it is so early in the training program for Seattle and it was a strong finish, as I was not winded in the end!! Then last night I read the results and was FULL of excitement!! ( 9 pm mind you!! ) I also realized that I was 4th in my age group!!! WHEEEEEE .. very happy !!!
Another opportunity also arose in front of me this past weekend -- RAGNAR!!! OMGosh .. here we go -- and I thought about it, prayed and realized, it was a good weekend, in between races!! Then, when I was asked, I was told, eh -- the leg your signing up for would be not so bad - RIGHT!!!! The hardest freakin one!!!! ( leg 5 -- 21.8 Mi!! ) Well, I am in and now I will need to train hard !!!
Here come 35 !!!
Push on dear friends, push on!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
March 29th, 2011
Well Well Well...look at the date!!! Holy cow!!
Time to get serious about the running venue in 2011!!! As I have completed, a 5K and a half and then this weekend is an 8K. I am signed up for 2 more halves and a few other smaller races. Are you ready ???? I am getting there.
Yesterday was AMAZING!!! I ran 8 miles and it felt sooo good ! I wanted to keep on trucking but I had to pull back for a work mtg !! Yet, I did it and it was soo fantastic. I was able to hit my fastest mile at mile 5!! While kicking it hard up the hills .... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Today I will do a shorter run for a longer run again on Thursday ... and then race time.
Hopefully you are keeping up on you as I am trying on me ... maybe I will see ya out there running with me ??? I have a few others that are running regularly now and I am so enjoying the new people and also the wonderful company.
* Side note: Went rollerblading the other day -- OMG -- I loved it and soo miss it ! Another thing that I am thinking that the children and I will pick up this summer :O)
Push it dear friends -- PUSH IT !!
Time to get serious about the running venue in 2011!!! As I have completed, a 5K and a half and then this weekend is an 8K. I am signed up for 2 more halves and a few other smaller races. Are you ready ???? I am getting there.
Yesterday was AMAZING!!! I ran 8 miles and it felt sooo good ! I wanted to keep on trucking but I had to pull back for a work mtg !! Yet, I did it and it was soo fantastic. I was able to hit my fastest mile at mile 5!! While kicking it hard up the hills .... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Today I will do a shorter run for a longer run again on Thursday ... and then race time.
Hopefully you are keeping up on you as I am trying on me ... maybe I will see ya out there running with me ??? I have a few others that are running regularly now and I am so enjoying the new people and also the wonderful company.
* Side note: Went rollerblading the other day -- OMG -- I loved it and soo miss it ! Another thing that I am thinking that the children and I will pick up this summer :O)
Push it dear friends -- PUSH IT !!
Monday, March 7, 2011
March 3rd, 2011
Time flies. That's what I am coming to believe and know.
Lived Austin Texas !!!!
Thank you to Jean for helping pull me through. What a course! OOFTA!!! HILLS, humidity, then there was a bit of wind!! Holy Cats!!
First thought -- >> WRONG!!!
I was beating up on myself ... then I was reminded:
Now it is time to work on my next race. As well as work on core exercises and get my body stronger to support the time goals that I will hit!!
Each day there is an hour put in here and there for these goals.
For example:
- 5 days of circuits from Sherry Sonnenberg ( http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1025588547#!/group.php?gid=114436743769 )
- 5 days of running to train for SEATTLE !!!! ( http://seattle.competitor.com/ )
Push on Dearest Readers -- Push on!!
Lived Austin Texas !!!!
Thank you to Jean for helping pull me through. What a course! OOFTA!!! HILLS, humidity, then there was a bit of wind!! Holy Cats!!
First thought -- >> WRONG!!!
I was beating up on myself ... then I was reminded:
- This time was hit AFTER a long recovery from injury
- This was a 1:40 minutes slower then PR
- This is a NEW time
- This was a difficult course
- etc etc
Now it is time to work on my next race. As well as work on core exercises and get my body stronger to support the time goals that I will hit!!
Each day there is an hour put in here and there for these goals.
For example:
- 5 days of circuits from Sherry Sonnenberg ( http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1025588547#!/group.php?gid=114436743769 )
- 5 days of running to train for SEATTLE !!!! ( http://seattle.competitor.com/ )
Push on Dearest Readers -- Push on!!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Feb. 17th, 2011
Wow'zers !! Look at these dates.
Here comes the race -- on Sunday!! Another one ... Austin Marathon:
I fly out tomorrow and I am becoming more an more excited as the morning progresses.
A running buddy, Renee, made some lefse to take to the TX folk!!! Bring them some MN and bring some TX back to MN is my idea -- hopefully the weather !!
Push on dear friends, Push on !!
* I will report here what the results are an share with you that I crossed the finish line :O)
Here comes the race -- on Sunday!! Another one ... Austin Marathon:
I fly out tomorrow and I am becoming more an more excited as the morning progresses.
A running buddy, Renee, made some lefse to take to the TX folk!!! Bring them some MN and bring some TX back to MN is my idea -- hopefully the weather !!
Push on dear friends, Push on !!
* I will report here what the results are an share with you that I crossed the finish line :O)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Jan. 28th, 2011
Chello and good friday to you !!
This morning I was able to get in 3.25 :O) I am to run 6.5 tomorrow morning .... here we are back at 20 per week ... rock on !!!!
I am feeling good and the knees are good to go right now... taken it slow and also listening is the key.... the key my friends!!
Have a happy Friday ...
Push on .. push on
This morning I was able to get in 3.25 :O) I am to run 6.5 tomorrow morning .... here we are back at 20 per week ... rock on !!!!
I am feeling good and the knees are good to go right now... taken it slow and also listening is the key.... the key my friends!!
Have a happy Friday ...
Push on .. push on
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Jan. 25th, 2011
Chello :O)
Today I was able to get down to the fitness center and put in a total of 3.75 miles :O)Yesterday at noon I did a total of 4.5 miles. Here we go -- I feel I am on track for a good run in Austin. Now to LISTEN To my knees and my body!!!!
I am up for another PT appt this week .. and/oh !! I have a few ladies interested in working out with me :O) Yeah for them !!! Tonight one of them and I will begin her cardio :O) That means another workout.....
Hopefully these muscles/body/legs will be more prepared to begin some GOOD training after the race in TX for my first FULL :O)
Off to do it !! How bout you ??? What are you doing ?????
Exercise makes me whole :O)
Today I was able to get down to the fitness center and put in a total of 3.75 miles :O)Yesterday at noon I did a total of 4.5 miles. Here we go -- I feel I am on track for a good run in Austin. Now to LISTEN To my knees and my body!!!!
I am up for another PT appt this week .. and/oh !! I have a few ladies interested in working out with me :O) Yeah for them !!! Tonight one of them and I will begin her cardio :O) That means another workout.....
Hopefully these muscles/body/legs will be more prepared to begin some GOOD training after the race in TX for my first FULL :O)
Off to do it !! How bout you ??? What are you doing ?????
Exercise makes me whole :O)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Jan 20th 2011
Well... its a great thing getting up to 3 alarm clocks going off in intervals each at am 4:45 am.. but its WORKING !!!!
I have so far put in the most miles in one week, since I began all of this.
Now my head says: How the hell are you going to run that straight through this time.... ??? I need to concur that mentallity and those thoughts!!! I paid for this race and the time spent in TX will be much needed and also very helpful to myself!!
Off I go to share about this and work through it properly and get to the other side....
Push on Dear readers, Push on ....
Till we read again :O)
I have so far put in the most miles in one week, since I began all of this.
Now my head says: How the hell are you going to run that straight through this time.... ??? I need to concur that mentallity and those thoughts!!! I paid for this race and the time spent in TX will be much needed and also very helpful to myself!!
Off I go to share about this and work through it properly and get to the other side....
Push on Dear readers, Push on ....
Till we read again :O)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
2nd time today
Then there was tonight -- I have been reflecting back on this week and realized -- I am very PROUD of me :O)
For tonight, third night in a row, I have now worked out twice in a day and have gotten up at 5 am to do so !!
This is amazing -- It feels amazing and it is showing on the outside to others...not necessarily in things such as weight loss, but more so on the 'glow' of happiness from the outside in.
Thank you to my HP for allowing me to become willing, stay open-minded and also courageous to live life to the fullest for today I was able to enjoy me, my HP and my children as well as work!! Believe it or NOT .. my life ROCKS!!
Good Night dearest friends!!
For tonight, third night in a row, I have now worked out twice in a day and have gotten up at 5 am to do so !!
This is amazing -- It feels amazing and it is showing on the outside to others...not necessarily in things such as weight loss, but more so on the 'glow' of happiness from the outside in.
Thank you to my HP for allowing me to become willing, stay open-minded and also courageous to live life to the fullest for today I was able to enjoy me, my HP and my children as well as work!! Believe it or NOT .. my life ROCKS!!
Good Night dearest friends!!
Sexy B!@#$
And there's a blister on the toe.
Yes, I am back at it -- officially now three days in a row -- small increments of running. I have been up long before sunrise to complete the entire: 8 miles so far this week. Which is OK to have lower miles, I am only prepping for a half in Feb anywho == after injury!!
I am getting physced to get back into my running regimen. A workout regimen at all, is what I was missing and now I am into a groove :O)
Today, I am grateful and tonight I will run again and tomorrow morning and on so on ....
Here we come Texas -- LETS do this thing!!!
Push on dear friend, Push on!!
Yes, I am back at it -- officially now three days in a row -- small increments of running. I have been up long before sunrise to complete the entire: 8 miles so far this week. Which is OK to have lower miles, I am only prepping for a half in Feb anywho == after injury!!
I am getting physced to get back into my running regimen. A workout regimen at all, is what I was missing and now I am into a groove :O)
Today, I am grateful and tonight I will run again and tomorrow morning and on so on ....
Here we come Texas -- LETS do this thing!!!
Push on dear friend, Push on!!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Jan. 17th, 2011
This morning I have begun a new schedule that includes 2 workouts per day, at least. Don't go freaking out !! These are very short lived workouts and they are to get in my miles, build up my muscles and also get my body ready to get back to the longer distances, that are soon upon myself.
I went into the Physical Therapist last week and discussed issues I was having once again. Here I thought I would be out of running all together, yet, I was wrong !! Thank Goodness!! For my running is my outlet and if I do not have that, I am really not all there!! ( not that I am all there anywho :P )
He shared with me that he believes that my muscles are adjusting to the orthos that I have been and continue to wear. So far, he has helped me to get back to running without much pain, so I will go with it.
He gave me a set of tape around the knee area -- it looks like this:

( Darker image )
He said, if this helps performance he will order more for myself and we will continue use. It did seem to help some, so .. I might possibly be suckered into this one.
Yet, another thing I am trying along with the shorter runs, is to not run outside. The uneven ground seems to upset the muscles. I will be on the dreadmill through out the rest of the winter .. ugh .. I am GRATEFUL though that I am able to run :O)
I will also be making some time with my personal trainer for I need to do some strengthening again. I am unable to do the lounges/squats at this time as well... so off to Fitness 4 Life to get some new workouts :O)
Well friends -- I must sign off now and I will continue to keep you updated!! For the race in coming up in Feb and I will run it :O) Possibly not my fastest half, yet, it will be considered another half !!
Push on dear friends, push on !!
I went into the Physical Therapist last week and discussed issues I was having once again. Here I thought I would be out of running all together, yet, I was wrong !! Thank Goodness!! For my running is my outlet and if I do not have that, I am really not all there!! ( not that I am all there anywho :P )
He shared with me that he believes that my muscles are adjusting to the orthos that I have been and continue to wear. So far, he has helped me to get back to running without much pain, so I will go with it.
He gave me a set of tape around the knee area -- it looks like this:
( Darker image )
He said, if this helps performance he will order more for myself and we will continue use. It did seem to help some, so .. I might possibly be suckered into this one.
Yet, another thing I am trying along with the shorter runs, is to not run outside. The uneven ground seems to upset the muscles. I will be on the dreadmill through out the rest of the winter .. ugh .. I am GRATEFUL though that I am able to run :O)
I will also be making some time with my personal trainer for I need to do some strengthening again. I am unable to do the lounges/squats at this time as well... so off to Fitness 4 Life to get some new workouts :O)
Well friends -- I must sign off now and I will continue to keep you updated!! For the race in coming up in Feb and I will run it :O) Possibly not my fastest half, yet, it will be considered another half !!
Push on dear friends, push on !!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Jan. 3rd, 2011
Today was a good day :O)
I was able to get in a 3.5 miler.
It was nice to enjoy the snow falling -- yet -- I wish I would have put on my spikes to run. AS I seemed to hit a few ice patches that I did not notice under the fallen snow. I did NOT fall, tho :O)
I am excited to get back into training. I know that it will not take long for my body to understand we are running again and to adjust to the difference. Waiting, on the other hand for this to occur, is a different story!! HA !! Good thing I have my Team R.E.D. members to vent on !!
I was able to share my running experience over the weekend with some beautiful women -- it felt amazing to hear what they see and to be able to share where and how I got to where I am today!!
The best thing I heard was:
If YOU can do it -- SO can I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* PUSH on dear friends -- PUSH ON!!
I was able to get in a 3.5 miler.
It was nice to enjoy the snow falling -- yet -- I wish I would have put on my spikes to run. AS I seemed to hit a few ice patches that I did not notice under the fallen snow. I did NOT fall, tho :O)
I am excited to get back into training. I know that it will not take long for my body to understand we are running again and to adjust to the difference. Waiting, on the other hand for this to occur, is a different story!! HA !! Good thing I have my Team R.E.D. members to vent on !!
I was able to share my running experience over the weekend with some beautiful women -- it felt amazing to hear what they see and to be able to share where and how I got to where I am today!!
The best thing I heard was:
If YOU can do it -- SO can I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* PUSH on dear friends -- PUSH ON!!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Jan. 2nd, 2011
Good Morning to all of my followers !!!
What an amazing beginning to a year !!! I was able to be blessed to complete a 5k on 1/1/11!!! Yet, it was not a PR - it was something that I have never done !! For it was horrible wind chill and freezing!! I was able to run with the spikes that I had purchased as well as the new winter gear!!!
The year of 2010 was amazing for me for my second year in running ( tech. began running in '09). This year, 2011, is going to be that much more phenomenal !! Heres the list of races at this time:
Feb - Half Marathon in Austin TX
May - Full Marathon in Roch. MN
June - Half Marathon in Seattle WA
Let us see what else there is to throw in there. I may also do a warrior run in the summer as well :O)
This is going to be a GREAT year with AMAZING things happening !! I am not only saying this for the running part of life, I am saying this for the entire life in itself!!
Lets DO this thing!!
What an amazing beginning to a year !!! I was able to be blessed to complete a 5k on 1/1/11!!! Yet, it was not a PR - it was something that I have never done !! For it was horrible wind chill and freezing!! I was able to run with the spikes that I had purchased as well as the new winter gear!!!
The year of 2010 was amazing for me for my second year in running ( tech. began running in '09). This year, 2011, is going to be that much more phenomenal !! Heres the list of races at this time:
Feb - Half Marathon in Austin TX
May - Full Marathon in Roch. MN
June - Half Marathon in Seattle WA
Let us see what else there is to throw in there. I may also do a warrior run in the summer as well :O)
This is going to be a GREAT year with AMAZING things happening !! I am not only saying this for the running part of life, I am saying this for the entire life in itself!!
Lets DO this thing!!
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