The place of employment where I clock in on a part time basis as a manager, continues to amaze me. For when I had applied, a friend of mine, shared there's more to this god send then you'll ever begin to realize, go with it and ride that wave as long as you are able too.
"Everything happens for a Reason"
There's a saying that's stuck with me for many years now:
I needed more hours - they gave me more
I needed somewhere to live - an angel opened up her home
I needed another bump in hours - they gave me another opportunity
I needed ... asked ... believed ... and received
There's one thing in this life that I'm certain of. Faith. Faith without works is DEAD.

I may not have much, yet I do have faith and HOPE and I believe in MAGIC.
This evening, I needed to share with you that there is HOPE out there and that nothing is impossible, however, staying humble, being honest, open and willing, you will be able to attain the imaginable.
Here's to the next step in my journey and the amazing new chapter to the rest of my journey called:
Here's to the next step in my journey and the amazing new chapter to the rest of my journey called: