Again, I see that I've been away from blogging. I do suppose that if I were to make this a part of my weekly regimen that I would be able to update this more often then not. I will work on that.
Now for the topic at hand.
~ Excitement ~
There's really oodles to be excited about, for life is an amazing thing if we take the moments to view it as such. It's all in perception, not that I ever believed that, while I was learning how to become positive, though that's what was shared with me and the suggestions continued on, so I continued to believe that they were true. Today, through my glasses I see that my world is full of excitement, joy, happiness, trials, tribulations, challenges and adventure all the while being full of wonderful people, love and support.
The excitement today in my life is part of my journey and being able to share it with the world, only hoping to open more doors to spread hope, motivation, inspiration and love to other souls who've lost hope and are a bit lost in their own journeys.
Here's the line up of excitement since January, '13:
~ Ran my 15th Half Marathon ( Herothon in San Antonio, TX ) - I must add that I was also honored to travel with my 80 year old grandmother, who is near and dear to me and spend some quality time with my Great Aunt whom we'd not seen in over 10 years
~ Accomplished my first Fitness Photo Shoot
~ Offered a spokesperson position at the local YMCA
~ Dropped a total of 4% Body Fat ( Currently at 21% decrease over all since '08 )
~ Aired in a TV Interview on KAAL Channel 6 Get Fit Series
~ Recorded two Radio Commercials
~ Ran my 34th Race
~ Sponsored by Team Zone Perfect
There are a few of them and it's seems to continue --as people begin to hear my story, they would like to share it as well. This is a HUGE honor to myself for in all reality, my dream has always been to become a motivational speaker and to help the world as much as I possibly am able to and we all know God gave me the gift to gab, so I figure, why not put it all to good use.
Life is full of busy for the children and I. Our days are very full, as I normally get up around 5AM to get in 30 min of cardio to begin my day and then I follow that by coming back up to the children and feeding them breakfast, while they finish up lingering homework or we take spelling tests together. They leave for school and I sit at my desk, working, until they return around 2:45. Then they are to get their folders out and begin homework, at times I will break and sit with them, but more often then not, I need to stay working. Around 4:30/5 we leave to go to the local YMCA - where they play for an hour and half and I complete my workouts for the day. These workouts all consist of weight lifting, running and some other core work as well some cardio thrown in. Then we return home, to eat together, read and put their beautiful souls to sleep so that I'm able to sit in solitude and work on my college school work. This concludes a normal week day for us ... the weekends, well, we won't speak of those here, for they could be fuller OR nothing at all.
While life is extremely full, I do take time to enjoy it. Its through rest, balance, prayer and alot of routine, that I'm able to manage the clarity of a beautiful sunset or the sounds of my children's voices as they hussle through the door in the afternoon or even realizing that there's something off in their worlds. Staying in tune with myself, I'm able to stay in tune with them and what's going on their worlds. It's extremely important that I do this, for as a single parent, it's important to me to be there, when ever they feel they need me. I missed alot of that when I was a child and I'm trying to do for them what was not done for myself.
There you have it -- the excitement, fun, adventure and some of the life that I lead in a day's time all laid out for you. I'll share the links on the recent media exposures and hope that you enjoy them as much as the children and I did.
I'm utterly grateful today that I'm able to do all that I do and all that my mind, body and soul allow me to carry for it's extremely heavy at times, though that's when I need to reflect back on what the excitement is and all the things/people/places to be grateful for! Life is what we make it and today, I'm making it my dream.
* Interveiw aired on KAAL Channel 6 Get Fit Series ( 3.36.2013 )
* Part of a larger community and honored to be recognized ( 3.25.2013 - YMCA's Annual board mtg )
Human Race - Irish Run ( 34th Race )
Don't forget to train for life while you are out there -- it's through the training, the hardwork, dedication, determination, perseverance and belief that anything is possible the champion is made!!!