Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sept 18th, 2011

Today was long run day : 11 miles in 1:43

I do not think that was soo shabby. Pretty happy that I was able to get that in ..would have liked to have 13 in, yet, I had to get back to the children. Priorities, Priorities.

I have been thinking of all the running that I have achieved this year. It seems that even through being a single mom, working a full time job, volunteering and racing the training portion was just put in.

It's not about excuses for me anymore, it's about : How am I going to get these miles in?
It's not about the lack of motivation for me anymore, it's about: How am I able to motivate others?
It's not about who's running where for me anymore, it's about: Who would like to join me? ( else I run alone )

Running has become another passion for me. Some understand, some do not. It's a new way of life for me that I have integrated into my schedule and my journey here on earth. It's a part of whom I am now. When I go out, people hear my voice and recognize that sound ( they do not recognize me all dressed, for I am usually in running clothes ). It's a new social life for me. It's about sharing my new found passion with others.

Here's a blurp that is in the local newspaper:

After finding herself in misery, discontentment and the worst she felt in years,as well as losing nearly all that her life contained, Lori decided to begin working on her outsides. After hiring a personal trainer and learning about nutrition, beginning in '08, she has now not only dropped 60 lbs, 40 inches and 15% Body Fat she has also obtained sponsorship through MARATHON® Bars. Please join us while she shares how she accomplished all of these amazing achievements!!

I am able to share my story on Oct. 9th at 2PM at the RAC in Rochester MN.

I am super excited and hopefully someone will come to hear me and possibly, just possibly, walk away interested in changing their lives as well.

Today that is where it's at.

Hopefully you are enjoying the fall weather and are contemplating a 'run' or a 'workout' of some type today or this week and then, even better yet, following through and completing it !!!

Push on Dear Readers, Push on!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sept. 13th, 2011


Well, I was going to do a cross training day, yet it turned out where I utilized my time for promoting the event put together to share my experience.

Life Changing Story through Fitness
October 9th @ 2PM
Rochester Athletic Club

I have now sent it to all the media around. Hopefully there will be some press releases accepted!! I am super excited -- for I have one hit on the Post Bulletin!!

Training is in full swing!! Tomorrow is track day. Here's the schedule:

Monday - Tempo
Tues - Cross Train
Wed - Track
Thurs - Team RED and Core workout
Friday- Base/Hill Run
Sat/Sun - Long run ( or races )

I am up to 11 miles for the long run - hopefully that Mankato half will be a BREEZE this time and I will pull in some GREAT Times on it !!

The last 5K that I ran was this past Saturday. The course was a bit longer, but I utilized my Garmin and clocked it at : 24:54 :O) A PR!!! YAY!!! I am awaiting final results -- for they had things a little messed up so they are 'fixing' them. Not sure what they will show, but depending on the Garmin may be what I go off of for this one.

Thought I would drop in, since life seems to throw me off and I do not visit the 'blogging' as much as I would like -- yet -- here's the latest and greatest updates.

Push on dear friends -- Push on!!