Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29th, 2009

Hello once again -- seems I am only getting on here to blog once per week. Good, Bad or indifferent -- not to sure.

Eitherway, I ran 6 mi on monday ( up and down a few inclines -- this is what my running partner called them -- I disagreed!! ). I am learning new things as I run, which I think at this point is a great thing for me!!

I am also picking up tools, for the mentality part of races -- this is a huge pc of how to keep yourself running as well as keeping your pace.

Here are a few things I am learning:

  • Your feet take a lickin!! -- Taking good care of them is important!! NO COTTON!!!
  • Your legs/arms also take a lickin!! -- By maintaining strenth training it is helping me to stay 'fit' and not have injuries OR wear out as fast
  • Use something for chapping
  • Do not worry or sweat the small stuff ( it comes out anyways -- HA ) -- such as blisters
  • Prepare your mind !! -- I am picking up alot of movies an phrases
  • Share w/ other runners -- while running or just in general for we all know what it is like out there!!

There you have it -- now on Monday -- I am off to my 7 mi!! Hopefully my running partner will NOT choose a death trail for me !!!

* one other thing -- Ihave lowered my time for my half ( being my first I do not want to let myself down and I do not want to die -- my time is 2.25 )
* I am now dreaming about racing -- HA
* Here is my info for my race/sponser:

SPONSER Page ( ST.Judes )

Event Page ( Long Beach Marathon )

Thanks for stopping by!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 22nd, 2009

WOW-- its been 12 days since i have written -- where did that time go??

Well, I will try to stick to this and keep updating. I have been very busy -- not that I have not been exercising because that is NOT the fact.

I ran my long run yesterday -- it ended up being 5.32mi. I was very proud of myself for I walked only a 'lil bit at the turn around!! It felt very good at a very easy slow pace so that I didnt over do it in the heat or the for the training.

I do need to report that I ran a 5K race on sunday. I came in fourth place in my age group -- for the women. I was not happy with my time ( 29.05 ) yet, I am taking from this these lessons learned:

  1. NEVER wear NEW insoles for a race ( I have now been told to NEVER wear ANYTHING NEW for a race )
  2. Go to the bathroom before the race OR wait to hyderate so much until after the race
  3. Warm up with slowly running the first/last part of the course ( I felt this helped me due to the fact that I knew when I was coming up on the finish and also what to expect on the path ) I believe this also helped me with my nervousness as well as stretching
  4. Careful on the energy drinks/help ( to much of this )
  5. Have someone there to support you before and after the race ( to lean on someone is nice and also to have someone there at the finish line, feels comforting )

So there you have it!!

Now next week I begin 6 mi.!! I also have a running partner now for my long runs so that I am excited about !!

Wish me luck -- for I have signed up for the race in Cali -- I will be posting links .. like I have said before -- after I modify the websites!!

Happy Training -- Exercising!!


Friday, July 10, 2009

July 10th, 2009

Today I ran my -- well -- I just ran. I will do my tempo tomorrow. Today I did 2.5mi in 25 mi == 10 min pace.

I ran my run yesterday as well, that was my hard run. I was pleased at it .. for I know that i should not stop and walk, but I did yesterday. My goal for tomorrow and next week is to complete my two harder runs at a longer distance and no walking.

I am off to do my circuit training as well...

Happy running!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7th, 2009

Hello hello hello hello ....

Just came in from my run !! I did an extra one today -- 2mi/17mi/8.30p -- happy happy happy !!

I did my long run yesterday for the week. It ended up not being as long as I wanted or as fast as I would have liked, yet, I NEED to share with you -- how excited I was when I completed it!!! (4.2mi/45mi/10.48p)

I also see that I did not log in my friday exercise -- I believe there was a short run -- 2 mi and I know there was two sets of my circuit training!! I had someone spot me -- OMG !! -- I was cheating myself and I did feel it during the weekend!! WOW....

None the less...

This is what is on the schedule for the year 2009 -- I am now signed up for a 5K on the 19th of July in Brownsdale ( this will be my first race ) and then I am signing up this week for a half marathon in Long Beach Cali!!!

A million and one hugs to all my readers!!

Pain is weakness moving OUT of the body !! YES!! BRING IT!!!